Kündigung ohne Sperre beim Arbeitslosengeld – Tipps?
Hallo zusammen,
ich stehe vor der Entscheidung, meinen Job zu kündigen, möchte aber unbedingt eine dreimonatige Sperre beim Arbeitslosengeld vermeiden. Hat jemand von euch Tipps oder Erfahrungen, wie man das machen kann?
Ich habe gehört, dass es Ausnahmen gibt, bei denen die Sperrzeit umgangen werden kann. Zum Beispiel, wenn gesundheitliche Gründe vorliegen, die mit einem ärztlichen Attest belegt werden können, oder wenn man in unzumutbaren Arbeitsbedingungen arbeitet (z. B. Mobbing) und das nachweisen kann. Auch ein zwingender Umzug aus familiären Gründen könnte ein Grund sein.
Würde es helfen, solche Gründe gut zu dokumentieren und Beweise zu sammeln? Hat jemand von euch vielleicht erfolgreich direkt mit der Agentur für Arbeit gesprochen und seine Situation erklärt?
Ich bin für jeden Tipp dankbar!
Viele Grüße
For example, if there are health reasons that can be proven with a medical certificate, or if you are working in unreasonable working conditions (e.g. bullying) and that can be detected. A compelling move for family reasons could also be a reason.
If the work really makes you sick, whether it’s the bones that don’t join, or it’s on the pear, then you always have the Mögllichekit to let you write down for a longer period. you will have to go into professional treatment and, if necessary, also an amtsary examination of you.
That’s a thing with the move for familial reasons. In this case, however, a conversation with the employer may also help that the employer is willing to write on your termination for operational reasons.
Lg, Nicki
You have already mentioned appropriate reasons that could bypass a possible blocking period according to the 159 SGB – lll of up to 12 weeks if the agency for work would consider one or more of them as an important reason for a self-announcement.
I would look for a new job at your place and only if it is safe to quit, then you can start seamlessly in the new job and are not dependent on ALG – 1 and do not have to provide any proof.
Or you can only arrange an appointment for a personal conversation at the Employment Agency and discuss it all before you cancel yourself and, under certain circumstances, you have to expect a blocking time.
If you have a diagnosis, you can apply for retraining if you have long enough pension insurance. Talk to your employer, maybe he’s ready to quit.
The most important aspect is to contact the Employment Agency and get the OK for termination. The reasons for this would be possible, you’ve already researched well. When it comes to health reasons, let the doctor attest you!
If, on the other hand, you only quit and then turn to the employment agency, the lock is almost secure.
In addition, the much better solution is when you first take care of a new job and then seamlessly change from the previous job to the new job…
According to your own information, you suffer from depression or depressive detunement, without wanting to classify this more closely.
If this has been medically diagnosed and is an incapacity for work or if the further deprivation at your workstation becomes unreasonable, a termination is justified, as you have already said, health reasons represent a valid reason.
It is only important here that the underlying disease or suffering is medically documented and at best you have a medical certificate that this will no longer allow you to work and, if necessary, the course of the complaints might become worse.
In the case of bullying at work, a previous discussion with the Federal Employment Agency is advisable, so that they have already been informed about the problem in advance. A documentation of the individual events at the workplace is mandatory in order to be able to justify the termination in retrospect.
Just because you don’t feel comfortable, you don’t have depression and you don’t have to quit.
Leave yourself sick or swallow if necessary. 🙂
The social courts decide on the court-proof suspension of a sanction.
From my point of view, depression is not a so-called important reason for a sanction-free self-announcement.
*Medical prescribed antidepressants.
first look for new job then quit asking no lock or doctor
If you don’t feel comfortable in your current job, the best way to look for another job is to quit when you’re sure. Then you don’t need to “documente” anything.