Kündigung herausfinden?
Ich wurde von meinem Stammbetrieb(Ausbildung) gekündigt. Ich will meine Ausbildung in einem anderen Haus fortsetzen, möchte aber denen nicht sagen, dass ich gekündigt wurde, sondern dass ich mich selber da kündigen gelassen habe.
Meine Frage ist, woher kann der neue Betrieb, bei dem ich meine Ausbildung fortsetzen will, herausfinden, ob ich wirklich mich kündigen gelassen habe oder ob ich gekündigt wurde?
Können Sie bei meinem alten Betrien anrufen und nachfragen?
Since your contract is registered with the Chamber of Commerce/Handwerkskammer, the termination of the contract must also be recorded there. In addition, your new company will require a certificate of training which shows what content you have already learned and when the training relationship ended. And you’ll be unsubscribed when you don’t have a new business.
I think you’re still in the trial period? Then a cancellation contract is rather inconvenient and on your own termination, your training establishment will not necessarily be admitted. For this, you also need a good reason for the new training establishment, because you do not want to change the training profession.
The best way to contact a training consultant at the Chamber of Commerce/Handwerkskammer is to help you change to a new company.
I’m just talking about whether the board informs the new company that I was terminated. Or whether the new plant can be informed by the board if I have been terminated.
The trial period of the training has long been over, actually the whole training is over. I did not pass the practical examination (written and oral are all passed) and I am currently in repetition of the training, and in March I have the exam. Last time, I was canceled and soon got an interview with a new employer(in the same industry), and I would like to say that I was terminated.
That is why I asked the question whether the new employer can somehow find out.(e.g. by request from the Chamber?)
Turn to the board – I don’t think a company will set you up as an apprentice 2 months before the exam. Firstly, this is too much effort for two months and moreover it is quite odd that you or the cheat will think about termination two months before the exam. Everyone gets suspicious…
You can also participate in the exam without training. Promise this with the training officers.
No, you get a training certificate, because you have a training contract and no work contract. And the new training company will demand something like this, because otherwise it cannot take you. And the board must agree. But we already did.
I mean, that’s too complex, there are many aspects that are unknown to you and that you best discuss with the chamber. .
You mean the job certificate. Yes, there could be something like this if the new employer asks.
It’s not.
Nevertheless, thank you for always answering in detail.
This is your professional school certificate. The training certificate comes from the company.
The calculation of the training period is about the practical time in operation and for this the previous operation must prove what you have learned and at which jobs you have been trained. Otherwise, the new operation cannot assess what you need to learn to pass the test.
But it seems to be something too complex to explain everything here. Go to the chamber and let them advise you there, they can answer all your questions.
I hear that more and more often, although I have seen a lot of azubis who have quit without problems.
In my training certificates of the three years of training there is no such thing at all. There are only my notes, shorts, etc.
I don’t understand. Can you explain it a little?
The participation of the chamber should not necessarily mean that the chamber informs the new operation that I was terminated.
From my point of view, the whole effort would nevertheless be worthwhile for the company, as I know that the company urgently seeks work/forces.
You can’t just quit yourself outside the trial period. And that you quit two months before the exam due to lack of guidance is not particularly plausible. You should’ve done that right after the not passed exam.
The new company will suspect that you have violated any contract staff, otherwise the old company would not be able to terminate you. And if he asks for it, you should lie to him. The new company will require an apprenticeship certificate and the old company must write in that they have terminated you. So the box will fly up at the latest.
The KAmmer knows that you have been terminated and if you are to be counted on the previous training period in a new training contract, it will only be with their participation and it will also be apparent that you have been terminated.
Yes, it is complicated to conclude a training contract with you for two months, because of all the circumstances with the board, fees for registration of the contract and for registration for final examination, completion of a training plan, registration for vocational school and so on. And that for someone who has been through the examination and who does not know how exactly his knowledge and knowledge is.
Go to chamber and find out how it is with the exam. And then you’ll get a job in the new company.
Why should it be expensive if I would work after training in the company? Ed is worth this for the operation.
That the company thinks about termination is really suspicious. But that was precisely what my question was about if the new company could find out if I was terminated.
But that I have announced myself (e.g. due to lack of guidance), should not necessarily be suspicious.
This is what the incoming chamber is doing anyway and thus also the new plant. In addition, you can’t continue the training at all in another operation if you have yourself completed the trial period. This can only be done after an apprenticeship or after a termination contract.
Can you explain/report a little more?
Doesn’t it come under privacy?
Your contract is registered with the board in the list of training contracts. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to attend the interim and final exam.
The board is responsible for the training contract and recognizes immediately whether or not a change to a new training establishment is adequate. It decides clearly whether or not the previous training period can be recognised in old enterprises.
Read out the linked graph 22 of the Vocational Training Act. If you don’t believe it, I can’t help you anymore.
I think it’s not true, because I’ve seen so far many Azubid who have quit without any problems and have continued training in the same industry without any problems.
It’s not going to be cheerful anyway. Either you get a job or you get a job.
If, after the end of the trial period, the trainee himself performs neatly, this is according to BBiG Section 22 Paragraph 2 only applies if the trainee wishes to give up vocational training completely or to be trained in another profession. The ground of culmination – one of the two mentioned – must be specified in the letter of culmination.
You do not want to give up vocational training, or you want to train yourself in another profession. So it’s not enough for you.
Why can’t you be an apprentice? What has to do with whether or not the board has agreed to the continuation of the training relationship.
Why should the board not agree to the termination of the trainee?
If the board agrees to the continuation of the training agreement, it is quite clear that you cannot have self-contained in the old business. Otherwise they wouldn’t agree.
I am not concerned about this, and I am only concerned about whether the board also informs the new company (that I was terminated) or not.
Honestly lasts the longest.
Holdings are e.g. T. well connected to each other by measuring, etc. With a lie coming in somewhere will not go well for long.
Besides, the company will want to know what happened.
Lies have short legs. Employers are networking and talking to each other – especially when the enterprises are located in the same district.
You don’t have to say why you were quitting. “Business reasons” always goes. But don’t lie!
Please contact the instructors at the vocational school. In fact, it is only possible under certain conditions to terminate training.