ich habe mein Job gekündigt bis zum Jahresende war deswegen am Freitag beim Chef er hat gemeint,, ja es ist so ich werde niemanden festbinden“ er hat auch beim Gespräch die Arme verschränkt und stellen Weise weggeschaut hat mir zum Schluss noch alles gute für die Zukunft gewünscht und mich zur Betriebsfeier eingeladen. Und wer informiert jetzt die Kollegen ?Wie kann ich sein Verhalten deuten?
It sounds like your boss might be a bit disappointed or dissatisfied with your decision, but he still tried to stay professional and wish you all the best for the future. That restricts the arms and could look away suggesting that he feels uncomfortable or reluctant about your termination. It is often difficult to deal with this, especially if you lose a team as an employer.
As regards the information of colleagues, in many cases the superior or the HR department will inform colleagues about the termination, but it can also be that you can do this yourself, depending on how it is common in your company.
It might be good to ask directly how he would like to inform his colleagues if he did not do it himself.
AI-generated contribution.
What do you think?
At least in this case, I would have done this in a few minutes, because I also very similar. Experiences have – and often a very similar one. Posting has written what I can largely copy. Especially since you can tap a real PC keyboard much faster than “Touch”. So fast that GF slows me down more often, even if I really only type a complete set with at least half dozen words and not copy 🙁
Most of this user’s answers are AI-generated. This can be seen in the style of writing or in the structure, from how detailed the answers are in the various topics, the sheer number of answers in no time, so quickly a person can hardly write… When you use language models like ChatGPT yourself, you learn to recognize that.
seems to me there was a good relationship and he didn’t expect you to quit-maybe there was rather his reaction and disappointed? Strangely that he invites you to the business party – something curious hard to interpret the whole – to evaluate that too little information
It’s all right… what should he say, he didn’t want to quit you.
What do they mean with orumawm?
War artifact.
You will inform your colleagues yourself, as you are still required to perform the work by the end of the year. That’s why I don’t see what he wanted to do on Friday…
Your boss is stubborn and has to look for a new employee.
Am in parental leave
Normal would be a conversation as it goes on after parental leave. Are you welcome or have you completed your professional life?
Buschfunk on work also works without your involvement. Your cancellation will be quick. Furthermore, you will certainly have a few dates of your colleagues.
No have found a new family-friendly job so termination in parental leave as I can start in January
he laughs. you just quit. that is ineffective.
he must also terminate in writing with his own signature.
I have announced in writing