Does DHL cancel if there are fewer than 200 parcels per year?
I've had a business for about two months and have already shipped about 50 packages in total. If I extrapolate that, that comes to more than 200 packages per year. DHL has approved this and said I can open a DHL business customer account. Now I wanted to ask what happens if I don't reach these 200 packages per year. Will I simply be terminated?
Do any of you have experience with this?
If you research a bit on the net, you find that the contract of DHL will only be terminated if you Significant under the 200. There are people who report that they had no problems over the years with about 150 packages/year.
More than that the contract is terminated, but certainly cannot happen.
look in the contract, there is certainly something
And now from businessman to businessman: SOWAS is asked directly and not afterwards in a forum like GF, where nobody was with the contract
I haven’t signed a contract yet
see second section