Customer card only with bank details?
Good morning,
If you apply for a Tante Enso customer card, do you have to provide your bank details and then pay with that? Or can you also pay with a regular debit card?
LG baltic sea person
Good morning,
If you apply for a Tante Enso customer card, do you have to provide your bank details and then pay with that? Or can you also pay with a regular debit card?
LG baltic sea person
Here, at a certain time of year, one can say: You can see / hear the corn grow. Is there a similar saying in German?
Hey people Can you activate multiple coupons at Rossmann at once and use them, for example, for 50% off hygiene products and 25% off baby food?
Hello, for the past few months, I've been going to a kebab shop every now and then that sells its kebabs for €3.50. I wonder how that's possible, given how much inflation has risen, as has the minimum wage. I've been to kebab shops before where the kebab cost €5, €6, €7, or €8, and…
Hello to all readers, I'm trying to sell on eBay and have just tried adding a bank account without success. Whenever I click "Confirm and Continue" after entering my bank details, "unauthorized" appears in the top right corner and the account is not accepted. Why is this? Thanks in advance 🙂
Denn mit einer Tante-Enso-Kundenkarte kann 24 Stunden lang an sieben Tagen in der Woche geshoppt werden. Bezahlt wird mit der Kundenkarte über ein Lastschriftmandat oder Guthaben. Dreh- und Angelpunkt – so erläutert es Bausch, ist der sehr intensive Austausch mit den Kunden und solchen, die es werden sollen.
Also muss man die Bankverbindung bei der Registrierung mit angeben und es geht nicht ohne?