Kumpel Auto schenken?

Mein Freund hat aus einem Nachlass entfernter Verwandschaft ein Auto (20 Jahre alt, marktwert ca 3000euro) geschenkt bekommen,was wir aber selbst nicht gebrauchen können und somit jetzt wieder loswerden möchten. Unser bester Kumpel hätte Interesse an dem Fahrzeug,da sein Auto fast auseinander fällt und er keinerlei Ersparnisse hat für ein neues. allerdings möchte der Kumpel das Auto geschenkt haben, “weil wir haben es ja auch geschenkt bekommen” . Mein Freund hätte es ihm trotz der 3000euro marktwert für 1000euro verkauft,weil es eben ein guter Kumpel ist.

Da wir ein Haus zum abzahlen haben können wir natürlich Geld gut gebrauchen und möchten das Auto darum auch nicht “herschenken”, wenn man schonmal was bekommt, was man “zu Geld machen kann”, da wären die 1000 euro freundschaftspreis schon schmerzensgrenze.

wie sehr ihr das?

Dem Kumpel das Auto schenken


1000 euro vom Kumpel verlangen oder am freien markt für 3000 verkaufen, “weil wir müssn auch auf uns schauen”.

würde mich einfach mal die meinung ausenstehender interessieren. danke euch schonmal.

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2 years ago

I have such a “first piece” in the circle of friends – a BMW 520i, approx. 20 years old with 108,000 kilometers, market value at that time about 3000 euros; was the abandoned car of my 84-year-old big aunt, which I drove a few months, but which has been too unreliable to me – actually gave away, but also because this car had defects like a dog fleas and I was not able to answer it in the circle of friends, that for this box there was still money to ask for Mac – I didn’t know what was, That was so: I had announced to give the BMW – he had honest interest and I then told him fairly that the car has new TÜV, but some problems and that certainly more comes … he has called a price and I then told myself … he has nciht a lot of money, he has just moved into his own apartment, he has just learned and I didn’t have to drive it directly, so he didn’t get the BMW himself ready and the kiste He was very happy!

That was all right; the recipient was also a bastard and made a lot of himself on that thing, then it drove until the summer of last year —–> and it was really always up to something. I wouldn’t have been able to agree with my conscience, a young man, at the beginning of 20, just learned and not just from a rich house to take money for the car, not even if you’ve known each other forever.

But in this case, I find it three times from your “clean” to ask for that. You don’t do that – not at all in the circle of friends. I just think it’s three times and rude that he gets “required” from your inheritance or from the side of the dude rail. The Clou is, you are already totally opposed to him with 1000 euros instead of 3000 euros … actually he should be thankful for the thousands without ending and not yet with such lazy arguments as “you have got this thing for lukewarm”. This is disrespectful, you don’t do that – someone bites the hand that feeds him in the transmitted sense. The Chuzpe for that kind of thing you have to have first and that says a lot about a person.

I say this: if your inheritance is worth 3000 euros realistically, then I think a good and honest friend can get for 2500 euros – maybe even for a little less if he is generally close to cash and an honest, clean person and if you are satisfied that you might get only 2300 euros ——–> 1000 euros are more than fair and more than accommodating and guaranteed not to be self-evident. such a gesture is very noble, that makes one of 20 people even among friends. But if the “cumple” wants to have given the box despite this generous offer, and even then sheds or lamentes stupid stuff and presses on the lacrimal gland, I would rethink the “friendship” and make sure everyone else gets the car, but surely NOT.

In the end, this is still such a specific thing that takes the car cheaply and then continues to cause thousands of deficiencies or is dissatisfied, threatens and sits around with lawyers – these are these types, of which one should stay away only right in such things as used cars. I also had one in the family who liked to have my old seven-BMW for then 1200 Euros, but where I knew he would take it and pay it, but in the end he’s falling asleep and beating loud deficiencies – that’s why I told him at that time: everyone else gets the seventh, but he doesn’t. I then also got my wish price of 1200 euros from someone who was honest and correct and from whom I have never heard of.

With all love: you have to set limits —–> the one time it is an old car, but what is it the next time?! If he can do this with you now and realizes that, he’ll go on… I’m afraid I know those guys from the family too. sometimes it’s a coincidence and then you want to borrow money or something else. No, thank you.

1000 euro from the buddy or sell at the free market for 3000, “because we have to look at us too”.

In fact, for his wickedness, he should be told quite directly that he doesn’t get the box for his naughty and thirst way and don’t get into any further negotiations —-> if you’re stealing the car for the thousands, you’ve also rewarded the guy for his unfrozenness.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bendid

Eben – and if he is not able to value and reward this generous counterpart by rejoicing and thanking it, but also trying to sneak money, he is just naughty and thirsty, help back or forth in the building. Actually, you should tell him – and sell the car elsewhere at an approximate market price somewhere where you can hear nix more. Because if you give him the car for 1000 euros, you don’t miss a lot and he puts it post-turning for 3000 or more in the Ebay – I know those types that you don’t have to do a favor.

2 years ago
Reply to  rotesand

somehow totally hit into the swarm. I didn’t come to the idea that he could get around the old car. But there’s really core truth.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth2

I didn’t come to the idea that he could get around the old car. But there’s really core truth.

I do a lot with old cars of the cheap price class and have often experienced this; once someone bought an old cadet (also in the circle of friends), built so mid-end of the 80s, another year TÜV. Supposedly the cooler was broken and otherwise what, the buyer threatened with police and lawyer or demanded the purchase price of anything around the 600 euros for replacement – fast but came out, the guy had become unemployed and wanted to scrape money.

With my old seven-BMW, it would have been the same – relationship back or forth. He wanted to and would have paid the required 1200 euros, but he would have stood in front of the door after two weeks and said… that’s broken and that’s not going right and there’s probably missing an accessory part that was original 25 years ago and there’s a Dalle on the wheel race and so on. That was too stupid.

If someone tries like the guy here who wants to have a clearly good car for lukewarm, it says a lot about the character and I can already think that it would go in this direction: gift would also be nix, because after that you find the hair in the soup again and a thousand small things that are actually not worth thought and that is not at all in old cars.

2 years ago

I wouldn’t give it to a good buddy (where my buddies would have paid me something) if then sell it to him for 1000 or to the open market for around 3000 clear it’s stupid for the buddy but you would sell it to him for under half. Of course I do not want to influence your decision and this statement from me is also my opinion ^^^

2 years ago

I think it’s very problematic that your best mate thinks you can ask for such a gift. This isn’t exactly for him. He has no right to participate in your heritage.

Just because he thinks so and he doesn’t have money, he would probably be himself the 1,000,- € too much and he would be dissatisfied with the deal. You would be on 2,000,- € (!!) Forgot the proceeds, would have to run behind the 1,000,- € and your best mate would not even be grateful. And if the car is broken (which happens in a 20-year-old car), he might blame you.

I’d let it go in the sand. Discussions about the price and the odd ideas of your friend would only burden friendship. Says that someone from their own families (or their own) wants to use the car and sells it to a dealer in the summer when grass has grown over the thing. Or you’ll tell him that you don’t have to give away. I would in any case dispense with the sale to him!

2 years ago
Reply to  HanniManni04

That’s what I see.

2 years ago

If you haven’t said it with the 1000€, I would sell it to him for 1500€ and not go down in the price. If that’s too much, it’s online and sells it there for your wish price.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bendid

Also think to make a purchase deal with him and to make the letter against money only so that something else will be called after.

2 years ago

explain to the “friend”.

If he argues as he does, then he is a piece-wide envious, and if he continues to push that on, then someone is simply not a friend.

So you’re supposed to give him two thousand euros. Why? Then he inherited and not you. Think about it!

And paying off with house is quite tricky when you come into the bredouille in the next 15-20 years you are the stupid. The friend will certainly not help you if he is already snoring!!!!

If you want to avoid conflicts, then what is written by a non-performing bill due to unforeseen repair costs at the house and maybe good is. That wouldn’t even be a lie, because something like that comes to you sometime.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bendid

then any further request from this friend forbids. You couldn’t “assake” him, especially if he argued you would have inherited. Then “he inherits” on what grounds. Such a monkey would be the longest time my best mate if he didn’t show any insight now. Naughty.

2 years ago


My pain limit is 50%, half. Gifts are gifts. If you can benefit from this, the height is not discountable. Either you take the discount among friends, or the budget is not enough for another car.

But the budget question is its matter, even if it is a good friend.


2 years ago

As has been written several times here, unfortunately, the friendship often stops at money.

You made him an extremely good offer and he still wants to act. At this point you should stop, it’s worse.

He shouldn’t be angry with you, you can try. If the friendship continues and remains relaxed, then it is a friend and not a jealous snorer.

2 years ago

Sell the car to someone else for +-3000€. If Dude to be so…

2 years ago

It’s a difficult subject and friendship, as we know, ceases.

In principle, you have no loss when you give away the car. You didn’t have any cost in the purchase. Just go down with the price and make a little profit. Better so and get a friendship than insist on the money and possibly lose a friend.

In principle, I am a great friend of mine to do a favor to others and not always insist on their own advantage.

2 years ago

If the buddy needs a car, let him buy one! You can offer it for a reasonable price. But if I didn’t have that thick purse myself, I would of course sell it at the best price to the first one to put the purse on.

What do you have to do with the buddy to give the car?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bendid

you’ve done everything right so far. Stay there. He will stop IMMER, even if one of you makes both careers and deserves better then. in your own interest, keep in mind that you are paying for his craft services. And so far you did. No more and no less. Pass.

2 years ago

An old saying says in money the friendship stops.

The question is in which state the car is. Tpv, ready to drive, rust….

That he wants to give it because you got it is just three times. The 1000€ are fair. Can’t put it on the car for 3800 for sale. Then you’re still knocking down to 3.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bendid

What did you pay for 4 hours of preparation???

2 years ago
Reply to  Bendid

Then stay at the 1000

2 years ago

…that has been saved to me, my mother was able to talk about when she was sitting in a wheelchair!

2 years ago

then your car must have been quite clean, I have heard of three – four hundred euros (without Tüv!) Thanks for information!

1 year ago

With 1000€, your buddy would be very well served. He gets 2000€.It is completely gifted to demand is unharmed.

2 years ago

I don’t know what it’s like

2 years ago

You just don’t ask if you want to have something. I would hire the car for 3.5k at Mobile.de and offer it to the friend for 1500. Then you go down to 1000 and everybody’s happy.

2 years ago

If you can’t afford a car, you can’t drive. As you say, you don’t have it that thick. So why don’t you give money that you can use yourself well?

2 years ago

I wouldn’t give it away