Do male tomcats take care of their offspring?
What are the evolutionary reasons why he isn't interested in this?
Not at all, as far as I know. It's even possible for a male tomcat to kill his own kittens. But if that's true, why would he sire offspring and then feel threatened?
The mother cat has to look after maybe six kittens, can't let them die herself, and everything is more dangerous when she's asleep. And hunting is also difficult, especially if the cat isn't a pet but lives naturally.
It doesn’t make cuts. The mother takes care of the young, that’s the case with many animals. The boys are hiding and the mother goes hunting if the mother did what, then she calls her boys to eat. Why it is so, that can have several reasons, perhaps because the animal does not want to settle on a female, but rather wants to couple with several females and thereby can pass on his genes more often. Ergo a strong male should not only remain with a female and pass on his genes but fertilize several females so that the species remains strong.
Cats and other animals kill their own offspring not only the stranger. Many animals do the zb dolphins, monkeys, elephants, horses, wolves, rodents, rabbits, seals, crocodiles, earth males, zebras bears, singing birds, hyenas, storks, mangusts, river horses, wild dogs, pigs. With them all and others it happens that foreign young people are also killed by females. In zb mice or rabbits it may even happen that the mother kills her own offspring and even eats even if rabbits are herbivores.
It may be that a cat protects his own youngsters but does not pull him big.
It has already happened with big cats like tigers that the father visited his own young ones while passing through the precinct, and even for a while remained really big, chasing, etc.
Own juniors usually don’t kill Kater. Occasionally they participate in the breeding. Many cats protect their boys or play with them. Male lions, for example, also play very extensively with their offspring. However, foreign young people often kill them, for example when a lion takes over another’s pack. Objective infantide said behavior is that the females of the pack are ready to couple faster and he can pass on his own genes. In most cases, the descendants of the former Rudelführer are left alone only when they are almost adult and female – because they will soon be suitable as a pairing partner.
Usually the raising of the boys in most types of cats is the task of the mother. The mother also takes over the lion’s share of this task. And in the single-level species anyway. This is not only the case with cats, but with almost all mammals. There are rather few exceptions, such as us humans. The reason for this is that it is comparatively simpler for mammals to get out of the dust. The female can’t steal from her because of pregnancy, but the male after the pairing already. It is often quite unfamiliar with fish. There it is so that the female first lays his eggs and the male then fertilizes them with his seed. In this time the female can already disappear and leave the male alone with the eggs.
Why does the male leave the young animal rearing so often to the female alone? This is linked to the various reproductive strategies of the sexes and this is in turn linked to the anisogamy. This means that the gametes (small cells) of the sexes are different. The eggs of the females are large and contain a lot of nutrients, but a female produces only a few of them and often only a limited time. Males, on the other hand, produce very small sperms which contain little energy, but in large numbers. The investment of the female in the young is therefore already greater in advance than that of the male. Look at a chicken egg, this is a single (egg) cell and the energy in it must be enough for the whole development of the chick. The cock in principle only contributes its genes with its seeds, but no nutrients.
There are now two reproductive strategies:
He doesn’t kill his offspring. But a strange cat. So that the cat gets rolling again quickly and he can pass on his genes.
Thought it’d be like that in lions.
but probably the cat doesn’t remember having slept with the cat and doesn’t know it’s his children.
but why he doesn’t just stay with the partner
It can also happen that he kills his own babies.
Rare, but true, that can happen. Cats don’t just mate with a cat.
Hello is not true, a cat will only roll 2 x a year,
No. If a cat has thrown, it can be rolled again after 6 weeks. Or even earlier when the youngster died.
Got cats for 20 years. 1 was orchestrated and 6 weeks after throwing.
we used to have cats, but that never happened
A cat can get kittens from different cats in a throw, so it would be absolutely impossible for the cat to understand which of the kittens are now from him.