Kulturpass – Reservierung direkt abholen?
Hey, ich habe vorgestern ein Buch bei Thalia reserviert mit der Kulturpass App. Heute habe ich die Benachrichtigung bekommen, dass meine Reservierung angenommen wurde und bereit zur Abholung ist.
Jetzt lautet meine Frage: Muss ich es direkt heute am selben Tag abholen oder kann ich es auch wann anders tun?
Hoffe, jemand kennt sich da besser aus:)
The cultural provider must delete a reservation if the user has not perceived it within 10 days after the delivery of the code triggered by the cultural provider.
Hey, how long does the confirmation of a reservation or How much time goes about between the reservation and the time when the books are ready to pick up?
It’s different for everyone. With me it took 3 days to confirm my reservation
For my part, it only took a short time until I got the confirmation, but yes, it’s time to change again 🙂
You can scan the code at the checkout when you pay books, which means you’re looking for 2 books to go to the checkout and keep it up. Reserve and then pick up with pay goes so also:) the reservation also remains until you have stoned or used it
Too bad no one answered, but now have a similar problem…
I ordered about 40 books on the cultural pass at Thalia. The first 15 are (after 4 days!!!) Get ready. Since it’s from me but it’s a whole distance to the store I don’t want to drive more often.
How long do they stay there until someone asks if I’m still coming to pick up the one?
How was that with you now, are you still there on the day or how long have you waited?
Sorry for the late answer, but the QR code you get is 48h valid. I left the next day and picked them up. It’s just with me that I reserved a manga box set. You’ll probably get several QR codes for the rest of the books, right?
Yes I got a single code for each book. Yesterday I picked up the first books, as it looked, but they had waited until all the books were there before they wondered why they didn’t pick up.
If you’ve already picked up your book, I’d have the question of how it’s in business. You go to the checkout and show the code and they’ll get you the book? Or you have to get it yourself or something different
Right, you go to the checkout, show them the code and they’ll get it for you.