Küken, Hühner, Hahn, Eier, krank Gleichgewicht?

Hallo Leute, mein Cousin hat mehrere Küken gekauft zum züchten eines davon kann weder alleine stehen noch den Kopf richtig halten kippt immer wieder mit dem Körper zur Seite um und wir wissen nicht wie es weiter gehen soll. Kennt sich da jemand aus? Und wie sollte man es am besten füttern bzw. Mit was?

Liebe Grüße


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5 years ago

How old is it?

It can happen in the first few hours. After 24 hours it must be dry and can stand.

You can’t do something. So cruel it sounds: not all chicks are really viable. It’s normal that not all the first days are going to make. A veterinarian can’t do anything.

You can only separate it and hope. But someone who wants to breed chickens should know that.

5 years ago
Reply to  SaraZs94

I don’t know that well, but can it be that it has a vitamin deficiency?…

5 years ago
Reply to  SaraZs94

A week and it’s still alive? I honestly haven’t experienced that yet. Most die after 2-3 days.

The vet can’t do anything. What’s he gonna do big? It is also probably not better, so the survival chance is very low.

Breeds shouldn’t be your cousin. He should have noticed that when he bought it. In addition, as a breeder, one should know how to deal with such a situation.

5 years ago

From another question We have eight Seidi chicks, which are now well five weeks old. One of them has been sick since Tuesday. It constantly turns the head and usually runs backwards. I then read that there would be a lack of vitamins. It now gets vitamin B and E several times a day. The chick eats and drinks from the spoon and actually makes a pleasant impression. I also feel that the state has improved slightly! However, it still twists the head, but can align it relatively straight for eating. How long does it take for the vitamins to work and the condition to be significantly improved? Can I do something else?

the actual “rotational disease” in birds is the paramyxovirose, i.e. not only a Vit. deficiency symptomism. In my opinion, this chick is also more in the direction of Vit B1/, but that would be the Beriberi symptomatic. I’ve had this myself with a silkworm chick, and I’ve heard of many Seidis holders. In chick age, usually after a few weeks it occurs as a single animal syndrome. With my zwerg it took about 3 weeks until he was free of symptom. Over the entire time several times daily administration of B1 and about 1week low dosed an E supplement, more was not program

5 years ago

Without photos, videos and some information, such as age and weight, you cannot judge that. It could be hurt, it could be very weak due to incorrect diet or infection, it could have neurological disorders…

5 years ago

You better go to the vet. =) I hope I could help.

5 years ago

Can you post photos?