Küken (Gänse, Enten) füttern?
Hallo bald ist es so weit und unsere Küken schlüpfen bald man hört sie schon piepen und klopfen nun brauchen sie ja auch Futter nur weiß ich nicht wie man sie füttert oder mit was 😅 mir wurde gesagt das man Grieß auf weichen kann und es ihnen geben kann nun habe ich 2 vers Grieß Arten geholt ein mal weich und ein mal hartweizen Grieß (für herzhafte und ein mal süße gerichte)ist es egal welche Sorte ich nehme?
Und meine eigentliche Frage ist
Mit was oder wie füttere ich die Küken (Enten, gänse)
Please not these self-mixed creations. Grits and oat flakes are not main food. This is what you give when Saturday night suddenly chicks are there, exactly until Monday morning when the shops open. Children in growth would not be fed exclusively with potatoes or noodles.
Get a ready starter food. My preferred feed is water wing rearing (WA) by Mifuma. This is suitable for ducks, geese and, if necessary, also chickens. In addition, free from genetically modified soybeans. Due to the slight digestibility, the animals do not stink like that. Soak the first days with water. No additional protein feed, otherwise you risk a misplacement of the wings. Grass and salad always go.
Feed the first 3 5 weeks after instruction and then feed water poultry rearing Extensiv (WAE) for lovers and breeding animals. For fattening there are other feeds.
On the manufacturer’s side, you enter your postal code, then you will see sales points in your area. If there is really no trader in your region, you can order the food in an online shop and deliver it home.
Alternatively, there are also the manufacturers Deuka, Havens, Countrys Best and small regional manufacturers. But Mifuma is one of the few without gv. Soy.
Heii the chicks are just hatched with us are no longer open can I use something else by Monday?
Don’t you have any acquaintances you can get with? Let’s tell the classifieds that you urgently need a small amount?
Honestly? 3 days before the calculated slip date MUSS everything is ready for the chicks. Stable fully scattered, the heat lamp hangs, lining is in the bag next to it, chick-proof containers for food and water.
My guide for duck-growing strongly points out that, especially in the first days, only a tested starter feed is to be given.
Something you have to feed now. If it is not different, then softened tender oatmeal. It’s not healthy for the animals.
It’s not for the animals to eat it. Children also love chocolate. Nevertheless, they should not feed on it.
The food is about the optimal nutrient supply for healthy growth.
Too much protein in the diet hurts. Google times “Kippschild duck” or “Gans” or “Angel wing duck”. You can see what can cause false feeding. The same applies to bread or even leg feed for chicks in growth.
Too little calcium and bone structure suffers.
Individual mixtures are beautiful and good. Also, some holders have the feeling of doing good to their animals if they do not resort to ready-made food. Unfortunately, if the animal was optimally supplied, you will not notice much later when it is already too late. No effort is made to examine his own creations in the laboratory.
In the case of fattening, this is not so tragic as they are not planned for a long posture. But if it is to be breeding or lover animals, health and vitality is very important. Finally, you don’t want any fattened animals or those who later have problems with the bones.
Yes I thank you for your help they liked the egg but also very much I would even say more than the starter food therefore I have sometimes made them one more but now no more🤗
Did you manage to get starter food in your corner? The egg is really just a transition solution. Especially for the geese.
Heii I feed them now are with yesterday and I like it very much I dilute it with water and naturally make it small and they eat almost 2 eggs a day 😅
The cooked egg never got so good in my animals. You had trouble eating it. Don’t go well. Probably it should be made small and diluted with neat water.
You just take the dotter.
Thank you we have thought of everything only during the food many have said to me that you can take oat flakes and wine-grass or cooked egg so I didn’t know it so I can feed them until Monday with cooked egg is that healthy?
I’ll get food on Monday
You can soak oat flakes, otherwise run on the meadow, they’ll find something. The first time life still from Eidotter, then eat what they learn from the mother animal. In any case, full food from nature.
What is eidotter
The yellow in the egg, which is right after slipping still in the stomach of the chick and ensures the first diet
Unfortunately, the parent animals do not accept the chicks as we have brooded them out into a brittle box
Gänse are pure vegetarians, while ducks also need animal protein. In the warehouses for agriculture, there are special feed mixes for the respective species (e.g. duck starters, goose starters, etc.). Buy something like that, then you’re on the safe side and your chicks won’t be mistaken
Where there are such shops or there are other shops where there is something like this
In Bavaria it is the BayWa, in Baden-Württemberg the ZG, in other federal states the Raiffeisen etc.
Ggf. Can you order and send the feed via Internet
I live in berlin and brandenburg.