Kühlwasser Golf 7?
Hallo zusammen, ich fahre einen Golf 7, 1.0 TSI BJ 2019. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass ich es aus Richtung des Kühlwassers pletschern höre. Also wenn ich im Auto sitze. Das passiert aber nur, wenn ich über unebene Stellen fahre. Ist das so normal? Kühlflüssigkeit fehlt nichts. Also ist es einfach das Kühlwasser, was hin & her schwippt?
That’s very unusual.
The only assumption that I have is that the golf 7 is very quiet from the engine and therefore sounds are audible that would not be perceived in other cars.
I don’t know what else it can be
Probably air is in the cooling system. This is then heard in the heating heat exchanger, which is located in the heating box behind the instrument board. Cause could be a defective head seal.
But it could also be half-empty beer cans flying around in the footroom.