Kühlung für Prozessor?

Hallo liebe Leute,

ich brauche für ein ATX-Gehäuse, AM4 System einen Kühler für den Prozessor.

Der Prozessor ist ein AMD Ryzen 7 5700x3D.

Wichtig ist, dass der Kühler sehr gut kühlen kann und auch optisch sehr elegant bzw. ästhetisch ist.

Beleuchtung kann sein, muss aber nicht. Irgendwelche Spitzen von den Heatpipes sollten nicht zu sehen sein.

Budget ca. 100€

Welche Empfehlungen habt ihr? Dankeschön

Danke und liebe Grüße Stefanie

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1 month ago


You have AM4 compatible air cooler.
Unfortunately, you wrote nix to which case you have, so you can also appreciate the available place badly.

Many use a tower CPU cooler, as you can look at the available height if you find something nice.

The more heatpipes installed and high the tower then is, the better and possibly quieter the performance is.
Very good cooling results with quiet running performance reached Noctua, however, these are also found in the upper price segment.

Acceptable cooling performance at a lower price can be found, for example, at Arctic.

BeQuiet’s somewhere in between…. look around.

You could also think about an AIO water cooling that is then installed in the housing. Link to this would be here:


1 month ago

Got the DarkRock Pro 5 from Bequiet. I am very happy with it and visually I find it very good.


Alternatively, there would be the Dark Rock Elite, which is a bit more “packed”. However, it also costs 107 with Amazon and is therefore above your budget.


Watch your case size before you buy something!

1 month ago
Reply to  catrindck

But you have to look extra to see Heatpipes.

1 month ago
Reply to  catrindck

I read it.

But then almost only AiOs would be possible.