Kühlmittel nachfüllen Ford Fiesta?

Guten Tag,

erstmal bedanke ich mich im Voraus für die Antwort und für eure Zeit.

Ich habe folgendes Problem:

ich habe mir neu einen Ford Fiesta zugelegt Baujahr 2004,59ps, doch nun sehe ich, dass nicht mehr viel Kühlflüssigkeit bzw Kühlmittel drin ist.

Ich habe kaum Ahnung von Autos deshalb wollte mich an gutefragen.net bzw an euch wenden.

Wie ich das auffülle, was da rein muss, wie viel dort rein muss.

liebe Grüße Markus 🙂

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2 years ago

Cooling liquid comes in according to the standard of the car manufacturer, and at most as much as it stands on the “Max” strip on the container. If, however, the manual should be explained again.

2 years ago

just go to the tank and say you need to cool (which will advise you) and fill up to the line (on the tank is a min/max strip) just hold the amount in between and then this is the same for every car

2 years ago

I say cold to the fold and if the pink is the same-colored universal coolant can take off the construction market.

More precise is the manual

2 years ago

There must be a antifreeze. Look in the instructions, or let yourself be advised in the car parts market.

2 years ago

Hi, best on the Internet, in the manual or accessories trade ask what frost protection you need.

The cheap universal frozen protection from the construction market is usually siliceous, but there are many cars where you can only use siliceous frost protection.

Then, depending on the mixing table, mix with distilled or demineralized water. Up to -30°C should be enough.

On this container should be a min and max mark on the side.

In cold state, fill this up to Max with the mixed liquid.

Basically: Open this container best only with cold engine.

If the cooling water is hot, the container is under pressure. Then you can also open it, but very slowly, so that gradually escapes the pressure.

Otherwise, the hot-boiling liquid could whistle out and brew you even if there is hardly any danger at this low level of liquid.

And keep the level in the eye once it is filled. If something’s missing, you should check this out at the workshop.

Actually, the car should not need any coolant in the case of dense system and intact cylinder head seal.

2 years ago

I would now refill with distilled water and observe.

To the winter you should make a freezing point control and if necessary Refill glysantine (red).