Küchenverkäufer 8000 Euro Bruttogehalt?

Ich habe heute die Lohnabrechnung eines Küchenverkäufers gesehen und war schockiert.

Aufgerundet 8,5 Tausend Brutto. Wie verdienen KÜCHENverkäufer bitte SO viel Geld?

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1 year ago

Many of these will probably be basic special supplements such as commissions for furniture houses with individually tailored kitchens.

I see these high end results even less with the large furniture discounters, but rather with furniture manufacturers with upscale to eyquisite customer claims with kitchens up to far in higher 5-digit or even 6-digit end selling prices incl. Assembly.

Such a “manager” generates sales to an exquisite house through its consulting activity, secures jobs in production and assembly, as well as any new customer acquisition by customer recommendations in the past.

1 year ago

It’s not like that every month. Mostly it will be the basic salary and this is below 2,500 € / gross

And yes, with kitchens you can earn well. Most commissions are available for kitchens sold from the exhibition. Then there will be a sum of 2,000 €. Often there are special conditions for determining devices.

This is why the sellers always stick to the back.

1 year ago

Well, a good kitchen cost 10k. say we are 10% commission and then I take my experience, for example, how long it takes in building a house from a new appointment to paying the bill (slight 1 year), then I would say that was a good month.

1 year ago

Well, on the one hand, that’s just a payroll, asking if he gets that every month or if there was something special. If I get my best payroll, there might have been something similar on it, but it’s not like that every month.

Then I take the colleague working on commission means selling a lot of money;)

1 year ago
Reply to  altunoeof

Well, they are just normal with a small fixum and for any kitchen you sell you get some money. A few percent of the value of the kitchen. This is intended to motivate expensive things to sell;) or in general not to advise but to sell. These are two different things:D

Problem is, if you’re bad at it or in general a shit month is then you deserve much less.

1 year ago

He just sold well and received corresponding commissions as a seller.

It doesn’t have to be like that every month.

1 year ago

If a high commission share is present; the fixed salary is lower.

1 year ago
Reply to  FGO65

Was also my first thought.

Also know (successful) car sellers who earn so much due to their commissions – but they are also really good.

1 year ago

Nowadays, employers have to offer more to get someone else to work. 3-4k Euro net/month will soon become a standard wage, whether employers want it or not.

1 year ago

Maybe there were commissions and holiday money in there?

1 year ago
Reply to  altunoeof

This is the art of a good seller. To convince the customer that he needs many extras and special installations. If he still tells us that the neighbor is planning a new kitchen, he’ll call him.

1 year ago

This will be the commission for the kitchen sale…

You probably have no idea what a good kitchen can cost, right? o_O

Kitchens are more expensive than cars.

1 year ago
Reply to  PeterP58

Oh, yeah. decent kitchens cost a little fortune.

1 year ago
Reply to  altunoeof

Yes, the real estate agent is a good comparison! 🙂

But also “yes”: A kitchen costs a small fortune! You can also pay 10,000€ for this and in the price are the “costy” things like stove, oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, etc. They cost extra!

And *zack* stands a kitchen for 30,000 or 50,000€!