Kuchen stehen lassen?
Hallo zusammen!
Ich würde gerne einen einfachen Marmorkuchen mit Schokoladenglasur backen und müsste ihn aus zeitlichen Gründen schon zwei Tage früher backen als er eigentlich benötigt wird. Wird der Kuchen nach zwei Tagen noch gut sein und müsste ich ihn dann kühlen?
Lg&Danke für alle Antworten!
It’s not a problem with a marble cake.
Store the cake in a well-closing box or well wrapped in foil at room temperature.
Only pack in or wrap in when the cake is completely cooled, otherwise the matschig becomes.
Thank you.
My grandma had a cool “room” where she had kept all her bags. – In winter it was about 16°C cold; the cakes kept good for a few days. Do you have a cool room?
I can’t ask my grandma anymore because she died more than 20 years ago. But she was able to bake masterly (also the “Springerle” loved on all sides and feared by bakers).
Thanks for the tip, actually I have such a room! And my condolences for your grandma, even if it’s been a long time ago
Thank you.
That’s all right.