Kuchen ausversehen mit nicht veganem Puddingpulver gebacken?
Hallo, ich bin seit 1 Jahr vegan und habe gerade veganen käsekuchen im ofen (hab ich schon oft gebacken), aber diesmal war meine speisestärke leer und ich habe zum vanille Puddingpulver von meiner Mutter gegriffen, weil das normalerweise ja vegan ist. Hab jetzt dann aber bemerkt dass es das nicht ist.
Es war der dr. Oetker gala Vanillepudding, und da steht in der zustatenliste: Aroma (enthält milchbestandteile)
An die veganer: würdet ihr den Kuchen trotzdem essen? Bin mir irgendwie unsicher aber will ihn auchnicht verschwenden 🙁
I’m not a vegan, so I might see it differently, but I think I’d eat it anyway.
On the one hand, it would be wasted, on the other hand, the question of how bad is this one point really. Look, a single ingredient of this vanilla powder and also in the flavouring substance (of which very little is in the powder), contains milk components – in the end, this amounts to 0.01% of the cake. That’s really very little.
Well, yeah, I’d eat it. Look positive, you’ve lived a year vegan and that’s strong, because this little crowd doesn’t matter.
Enjoy the cake and have a nice evening.
The OneHalt08
You have to decide for yourself. Otherwise, give him away or take him to work for the colleagues.
I’m not a vegan, but then I find something very small. I’m sure you have a phone, too, that’s animal components in it.
But whether small or not: The cake now, where he’s already baked, throw away, I’m afraid. The good ingredients that are in there are too bad for the ton. Then the animal died “umstonstener”
Of course I would eat it. Everything else would be total waste of resources.
Such animal minimum components are also economically irrelevant and thus also not a driver for intensive livestock farming.
Now you used it, then you should eat… Otherwise it would be a waste… Otherwise, give me the cake, I eat it for you ♥️️
(Of course, leave you to eat it… I would do it
I’d eat.
I’m not vegan, but I would try what I baked, especially cheesecake.
You can’t eat it. It’s just great to throw someone in the face,