Ktm exc-f six days 2016 Wartung?
Ich hab meine Ktm exc-f sixdays 2016 letztes Jahr mit 60h gekauft, sie hat jetzt ca 150h, weiß jemand was ich genau an Wartungsvorkehrungen durchführen sollte, hab sie nur einmal in eine Werkstatt getan wo sie Motoröl usw. gewechselt haben aber noch nie Kolben oder ähnliches. Danke im Voraus für eine Antwort.
At the beginning only in a short view of the state many self-explanatory and helpful.
on 29. March 2013 at 13:55
Hello TheDukeRider,
I myself drive a KTM 250 SX-F
to the points:
1. How often does piston change? What are the costs when you run the service at a Ktm dealer?
– I change the piston every 30 hours, but also drive race with this machine if you only drive for fun it is also enough to change every 45 hours. The piston change can be done with certain basic characteristics, the most difficult in this case is only the installation of the camshaft. With a KTM dealer, it will make you around €250-300 plus. Cost material.
2. Oil change. How many times? In the guide there are 3 (!!!) Valves (oil filter valve included) where you have to drain oil. Is that always the same oil or what do I have to pay attention to?
– On the topic of oil change, I change the oil every 4 hours, again because of racing. I always replace the large oil filter over a drive pinion, i make it new, the other 2 sieves (under the shift lever, the other one on the underside of the engine) I exchange after all 12 hours, it is enough if you do this clean. Best you always take the same oil I use by Fuchs Silkolene the Pro SX 15W-50 of course you can also take that from Motorex (10W-60)
3. Valve game. How often do you stop? How much does it cost to the dealer? Can you do it yourself?
I’ve got 79 hours on it and checked 2x, but I never had to adjust it myself. Cost at the dealer, about 150€.
4. How often do oil filters change?
– As described above, replace the oil filter with each oil change.
Five. What oil does it offer?
– Fuchs Silkolene PRO SX 15W-50
– Motorex 10W-60
Hope could help you a bit;)
Ride on.https://www.motor-talk.de/forum/ktm-sx-f-250-350-wartungen-und-service-t4434301.html