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5 years ago

The KTM EXC 530 is throttled via the gas slide stop. An open performance of the R- is 65 hp.

Considering that the dethrotation must be registered, otherwise it is an insurance and possibly a lead licence infringement.

More PS is not always better in the terrain.I know the bike with 50 hp, because it’s like a pigeon fly with me,190 cm-9o KG.

5 years ago
Reply to  Udavu

Such a nonsense, you can’t put anything that just doesn’t go. You think KTM strangled them out of fun.

If you can try to enter the open, you will need 2 thick folders with expert advice and a TÜV examiner who just has his free day.

5 years ago

Only unthrottled the EXC gets just kenie approval. There is simply no homologation unthrottled. You can try to allow all this by individual removal, much fun.

5 years ago

Inductors must be entered in the papers if the Fz. is used in public road traffic.

5 years ago

In the air filter box, a black insert that reduces the air intake by 95 percent is easy to remove.

Then there is a part in the exhaust manifold, which you can easily expand.

In addition, a membrane is installed, but don’t know where it was.

Completely unthrottled the approximately 40 hp, higher values are achieved by measuring directly on the engine, but these values are then not to compare mti to the DIN-PS.

In the terrain, the endurance and the ride can be on it, cubic and PS are rather uninteresting. Even during the rounds, you can hardly see differences between the single-pointed ranges in the amateur area.

Lifting class in the terrain can be compared with those of road machines.