KTM Duke 125 Öldruck zu niedrig?


Bei meiner KTM Duke hat sich das Ritzel gelöst dadurch wurde die Welle locker und der Motorblock undicht. Habe des beim fahren bemerkt da die Öl leuchte geleuchtet hat und die Fehlermeldung Öl Systemdruck zu niedrig aufgeleuchtet ist. Habe probiert Öl nach zu füllen aber der Ölverlust war zu stark. Habe es dann zu der Werkstatt gebracht die haben des Ritzel wieder festgemacht und einen neuen Simmerring eingebaut. Des Motorrad springt aber trotzdem noch nicht an die Werkstatt weis leider auch nicht woran es liegt. Irgendwie kommt nicht genügend Öl Druck an so des die Maschine nicht mehr startet. Habe eine KTM Duke 125 Baujahr 2020 Habt ihr eine Idee was des Problem sein könnte?


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1 year ago

Please check the oil pressure sensor and the oil filter.

It was/are still filters on the market that swell up and impede the oil flow.

The problem with the oil pressure sensor is also known – there were probably several batches that tended to misalarms.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smilie92

Yes, the oil pressure sensors were or are a real problem.

I just looked into the KTM forum, and the sensors were a topic again.

A user was really mad and the opinion that KTM would be the abbreviation of customer testing Macken….

Hopefully the workshop finds the reason.

Okay, if the oil filter is exchanged, then it can’t be anymore, but also those were a problem for a long time.


1 year ago

I’d really like to help you, but it’s hard to give advice from the distance.

Knowing the problems with the oil filters and the “spinning” sensors, however, the workshop is also difficult to find the fault on site.

Unfortunately, I do not have a workshop manual from your machine to determine the technical contexts for the problem.

But I’ll tell you the thumbs that the workshop finds the mistake.