„Kryptobusiness“ einstiegen?

hey, ich bin mit schule fertig und jetzt hätte ich etwas Zeit mich mit Aktien und allgemein Krypto zu beschäftigen und damit Geld zu verdienen, habt ihr Tipps was ich am Anfang so beachten muss, wo ich investieren kann usw?
LG Luis

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7 months ago

I’d leave the fingers of Krypto. It is very, very volatil and you can lose everything, and in the area everything is full of scammer.

If you deal with shares, I would take the big players or ETFs.

7 months ago
Reply to  nice1luis

You won’t make money. Most people lose money in day trading (i.e. in active action). You can land a lucky handle, but even people who make it professional cannot foresee the development of the shares.

7 months ago

People who make it professional have a fixed plan. Fixed entry, fixed exit, very narrow emergency brake. Then it can work. However, a pity about the beautiful time you spent for little money on the screen.

7 months ago

Learn a strategy, make a plan, apply the plan.

Most fail at the 1st point, another major at point 2. And another 90% on point 3.

The video goes a little on how to proceed logically:


But a normal beginner knows logically everything better;-)

Books: (always one of the best)

O’Neil – How to Make Money in Stocks

7 months ago

Life-changing tip: apply as an aid worker in industry and work a year full time! Save as much as possible from your wage and invest it in a globally diversified ETF (e.g. MSCI World).

If you still live at home, there should be around €15,000 in a year. With interest alone, after 45 years (i.e. your pension) about 350,000€ should come together without ever having to invest a single additional euro.

If you can then invest 200€ in this ETF on a monthly basis after your training/study, you are a millionaire up to your pension.

7 months ago

What new learning never hurts. Work with shares and learn the economic context.

At Krypto, I don’t know what to learn. They live their own lives. There might be the Greater Fool theory interesting.

But right away, you’ll come back orange and tell you that crypt is the hottest in the world.

7 months ago
Reply to  KathrinStuggi

Bitcoin… not crypto…

7 months ago
Reply to  TheOrangePill


7 months ago

To invest money, you have to earn money first. Bitcoin, stocks, ETFs and so on are not there to earn, but to save. First priority should be a solid training so that you have a good income in a few years.

7 months ago

Why don’t you learn a job first… what money do you want to invest?

7 months ago

You’re 16 years old.

How is that supposed to work with the speculation at the age? No bank does.