Krümmer Drossel entfernen größer machen?
Habe in meinem Krümmer so eine Drossel drin. Jetzt ist meine Frage kann ich die einfach größer machen also Bohren? Das ist eine einfache Scheibe. Geht das auch ohne Bohrer und wie viel müsste ich wegmachen, dass sie so 60kmh läuft?
Let it be, you lose the license and the insurance cover. In case of a control, you could still drive without driving permission.
I don’t want to go around with 45kmh
Then make the right driver’s license and buy a corresponding machine
Then just wait until you have the necessary age. If you get caught with such a manipulated part, you can plan a longer license lock. The punishment that comes to it is also not of bad parents.
Not old enough
Just add other wraths… but you must also be aware of the consequences….
Without another elbow. I’m aware that this is going with another wreck
Be aware of what happens when you remove the exhaust throttle and get the colleagues to catch you….