Kröuterquark ohne Joghurt?
Kennt jemand ein Rezept für Kräuterquark, in dem man keinen Joghurt braucht, sondenr nur Speisequark umd z.b. schmand? Ich habe da irgendwie keins gefunden, und wenn, dann hatten die noch 200 andere Zutaten, die ich leider nicht dahabe…
Hi, that’s easy. The trick is that you take mineral water to get the desired consistency. Quark, herbs, spices and mineral water, complete. Needs to try out a bit how much water, and then add if necessary if too hard, or more quark if too liquid
Yoghurt and Schmand is completely different. Yoghurt consists mainly of water, smashing to a relevant part of fat.
So, either you want your quark more liquid, then you can add milk or water.
Or then you want more fat, then you need to make up.
If you want both, add Rahm or buy Rahmquark directly.
I never get in:
Quark, Pepper, Salt, Herbs, Muscat,Sahne (Onion and Knob Hole if you like)
You don’t need a prescription.
Simply mix the appropriate ingredients as needed.
You don’t have to be a yogurt for a herbal cucumber and not a taste.
I always make herbal jar only from Quark.
Of course they are.
Just leave the yoghurt away and take Schmand/saure cream plus the quark.
Cucumber with some water and spices
Yeah, I know.