Kroatien Urlaub Tipps?
Hallo ich fliege bald nach Kroatien war zuvor noch nie da. Gibt es Dinge die man in Kroatien nicht machen sollte? Oder Fettnäpfchen in die man treten könnte? Oder gibt es irgendwelche Dinge auf die die Einwohner sehr allergisch reagieren?
Ich bedanke mich schonmal für die Antworten
Croatia is a beautiful country, I can highly recommend. However, prices have now risen fairly.
Croats are very proud of their country’s independence. Do not provoke unnecessary in terms of politics. It is also not good to compare the culture of other Balkan countries with Croatia.
Croats are all very great people. You look forward to showing interest in them and in the country, and even if you may be able to have one or the other word in croatian (Hvala says thank you, for example). Croats are rather rigorous from facial expression. But they are very dear people and very much according to the motto “hard shell, soft core”.
Thank you. I will definitely try to learn a few words 🙂
The debate is sometimes quite tricky. Where are you going in Croatia?
So I fly with a few family members to Split and from the airport in Split we have a rental car for the time we are in Croatia 🙃
Oh, very beautiful, the sea is apparently magical there. Are you going by the car? 😀
Near Split
Taking a Serbian flag would be more suboptimal.
Otherwise, this reputable Cologne newspaper knows advice: