kritisiert bitte mein push workout?
Mein push workout:
Incline press 3x 8-12, Flat press 3x 8-12, flyes 3x 8-12, schoulder press 3x 8-12, cable lateral raise 3x 8-12, machine lateral raise 3x 8-12, cable overhead tricep extension 3x 8-12 single arm tricep push down 3x 8- 12
Ich mach das 2 mal die Woche ( Montag und Freitag) mach ich ZU viel? Zu wenig? Würdet ihr andere Übungen verwenden? Kritisiert mich, nimmt alles auseinander
The most important thing is that it suits you, for me it would be too much, I do less than that and also only 1x per week but every set to fail and still with dropsets. I would possibly make some more wdh and also partial repetitions so that it burns nicely.
On flys watch, because of shoulder, I speak out of experience, and if you have, then try butterflys out(machine)
LG and get in
The exercises are good! You could leave one of the two since lifting exercise if you want
That’s a lot of exercises, how long do you train? You always go to muscle failure? That’s what’s going on.
LG and lots of fun pumping
Hi, thank you for the answer
I usually train about 1.5 to 3 hours a day + cardio I make 3 to 5 minutes break between each set and go to muscle failure at the last of the 3 work sets
That’s great! That’s what I wanted to hear. Get inside