Kriegt man schmerzen wenn man hungert?
Wenn ich morgens aufwache dann bleibe ich manchmal halt noch mehrere Stunden im Bett liegen und trinke nur Wasser. Bekomme dann irgendwie Schmerzen im oberbauch.
Wenn ich unterhalb der rippen auf der linken Seite rein drücke dann bekomme ich Schmerzen. Liegt das daran das mein Magen leer ist und ich am hungern bin oder ist irgendwas mit meinem Magen kaputt?
* The stomach is a muscle, so it has to be occupied so that it does not bend. His work is to produce a food pulp, and to push it through the stomach outlet through the twelfth intestine, so that from there the nutrients that the body needs to live
* if the stomach is not occupied, it looks at emptiness and can also become smaller with time.
* there are also cases where the stomach completely dissolved, because a person no longer took food.
* But yes, it’s true that the stomach also grumbles if you have only thirst.
* We need liquid because the nutrients are transported.
* Pain arises when the stomach is empty.
I think the cases of a dissolving stomach you mentioned are bullshit – where did you hear that?
I don’t care what you think is bullshit.
Okay, thanks for the constructive hint! This can happen through a ulcer, carcinoma or as an error in an surgery, there is a hole in the stomach wall – so Wikipedia says. Right, there’s nothing to do with food avoidance. And from “resolving” as the other user wrote above, it cannot be said.
There’s a stomach that dissolves, that’s called “mass breakthrough”. However, this will not be done by food avoidance.
Okay, legitimate – can you still call me a source for your assertion? Interested me 🙂
Yeah, you get hurt when you’re hungry. This pain is called “heart feeling”.
What you don’t know the hunger can actually hurt him?