Do you get mail from your gynecologist?

I've been going to the same gynecologist for several years and have never been contacted after my smear tests because I've never had anything. And I've always been reminded that you'll only be contacted if you need to be tested again or if something is discovered.

Now I started to argue with my boyfriend, who doesn't believe that I went to the gynecologist because I didn't get a negative result by mail afterwards (his ex probably got it).

Do you normally always receive a negative result or are you only contacted if there is a problem?

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9 months ago

I’ve never received a result before, but I had to call. Or was it notified at the next appointment. That’s the same with my family doctor.

If I get mail, it is an invoice (from the dentist, for example).

9 months ago

You will only be contacted if there is a problem.

9 months ago

I’ve never got a post from my doctor, and I’ve been going there for over 20 years.

If there was something to settle, I was called. But I think it was only 2x the case.

9 months ago

My only notify you when something is noticeable.