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A working mate was just the same as you did. He had a brain tumor and constant headaches before. Go urgently to the doctor
Did he have other synthomes?
Something nausea and dizziness through the circulation, otherwise speaking disorders but usually also forced thoughts or forced disorders as you have and just headaches.
The headaches were there for different lengths, partly completely disappeared and then came back.
He really got this after the MRT. This was done immediately
Can happen, but not because of cell phone radiation.
But is it unlikely?
Brain tumors represent approximately 20% of all tumors in childhood and youth
But don’t worry too much and just go to the doctor for the sake of clarity, I had something like that that I had panic fear that I had cancer because I had a sore throat for a while. I then went to the doctor and everything was good
Can I then enjoy my life carefree?
Yeah, that can be a lot.
headache alone is not a sign;)
So if you have symptoms, I’d go to the doctor.
Can I enjoy my life carefree?
Rather unlikely, yes.
So it’s unlikely then?
possible, but not very likely.
In your age rather rare
Maybe, but unlikely.
Do I have to worry?
Suddenly you get no tumor, no.
How many times do you want to ask? If you don’t feel good, go to the doctor and let you examine!
Everyone can get a tumor at any time.
But rather unlikely