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No. There are investigations, and that doesn’t matter.
“G5 radiation” is also not.
I’ve read that there’s an obligation to report brain tumors in Australia for a long time. Significantly longer than there are phones. This provides a good data base for the development of these diseases. In the investigations of whether mobile phones are now harmful or not, these data have been viewed very accurately. Result: there is no detectable effect.
😂 The electromagnetic beams of a cell phone are much too weak to damage tissues in any form sustainably. The worst thing to use on the too long phone is probably the distraction from life.
depends on who commissions the investigation and what the result should look like
Then just give off all your electronic devices quickly, they can send to me I dispose of them for you 😉
You can also get a paramedic without phone radiation.
Certainly! Put it away!