Kriegt man die komplette Summe wenn man eine Wohnung verkauft?
wenn man zb seine Wohnung die 1,5 mio kostet verkauft. Dann wird der Käufer ja sicher normales Eigenkapital zahlen und dann durch die Bank monatliche Rate aber was ist mit dem Verkäufer kriegt man dann die Summe in raten weil der Verkäufer ja keine 1,5 mio auf ein Schlag zahlt oder kriegt man von der Bank die komplette Summe ausgezahlt
The buyer has to renounce the complete sum. How he does that and where he borrows the money is his problem. Also the removal of the sum does not interest the seller. He gets his selling price and good.
If a broker has been switched on, he will naturally get his share and other involved, such as notary or fiskus.
The buyer does not lend the remaining amount to the 1.5 million of the bank. As a seller, you will of course get the full amount paid out at once. The buyer is more believing at the bank… – otherwise he could just stutter directly with you.
You are so smart 😉😊
Thank you
Normally, real estate between individuals is paid completely, then registration is made in the land register.
If the buyer doesn’t have enough money then the bank pays, then the buyer has to pay off, the seller doesn’t care.
Of course, there is also the possibility that the seller is also lender and the buyer pays the purchase price to the seller, but I think that is rather rare.
usually, the seller gets the money completely. How the buyer gets the “money” (credit, equity etc.) is not important to the seller. He gets his money after the notary contract (etc.).
It greets
the seller gets the money as agreed in the purchase agreement.
The buyer takes up a loan to pay it at once
In normal case, complete sum on one stroke.
Apart from notary costs, depending on the agreement
You get – provided you don’t have to pay a loan for the sold property – the complete sum paid out.
No sale without cancellation of the lending bank of the sale.
You answer the question yourself. He pays rates to the bank for a loan he paid the purchase price.
The seller receives its complete purchase price; the composition and source of the agents does not matter.
The buyer accepts the credit with his bank, not with the seller. The seller gets the full sum right away.
The seller gets his money from the bank. The buyer will of course pay the loan back to the bank. Mostly, the buyer also pays the total costs incurred.