Kriegt die Lieferadresse trotzdem mit wo die Rechnungsadresse ist? Schickt Amazon der Lieferadresse die Rechnungsadresse?
Oben stehen eigentlich schon meine Fragen.
Wäre gut wenn Leute hierauf antworten die schon Erfahrungen damit gesammelt haben. Wenn jemand bei einem privat Anbieter bei Amazon bestellt hat wäre es noch perfekt!
Danke vorab!
Amazon sends the delivery address the goods. Without delivery, bill or something.
Otherwise, Amazon doesn’t send anything. You can only retrieve the invoice online via your Amazon account.
This applies at least to goods sent by Amazon itself.
Marketplace dealers can also look different.
funny question, however, do you think that smaller Chinese marketplace dealers have a delivery note?
I think I have the answer Amazon writes himself:
“The ordering process for a marketplace seller does not differ from that for orders made directly at We forward your payment, but no payment information, to the Marketplace seller.‘
If no payment information is forwarded, then a delivery note with invoice address can be drawn up hard, right? Or are this just bank details, etc?
Payment information means bank details, credit card numbers etc.
I have now looked at an invoice from a marketplace seller, and of course there are invoice and delivery addresses. Some dealers will add this invoice printed to the package. Others send them to the customer only by e-mail.
That’s all about the provider.
Many vendors provide a shipping document which of course can also be the invoice address.