Kriegsjahre im Lebenslauf erwähnen?
Hallo Community,
ich versuche jetzt meinen Lebenslauf zu schreiben. In einem Teil soll ich die Schullaufbahn erwähnen und ich habe Schule für ungefähr 4 Jahre nicht besucht, denn ich war auf der Flucht wegen des Krieges in meinem Heimatland. Wie soll ich das professionell erwähnen?
PS: Ich bin immer noch Schülerin, falls das wichtig zu wissen ist.
Danke euch im Voraus:))
Or so similar 🙂 I would, however, in any case justify it with a flowery formulation, otherwise you could also think that you might have been in the youth prison or just ciffing home. If you’re not invited, you don’t get to explain it later.
typing then e.g.
2014-2018 Interruption of school visit
the reason for this will be given by any personnel department using the timeframe and your nationality. And if you can still have questions, you can explain that you are from Syria, for example, and take time to escape as well as asylum procedures.
Yeah, you should mention that. There are not so many reasons to apologise for a 4 year gap in the CV, but war and escape are already part of it.
Are you still going to school?
Ask your class teacher what he would advise you.
Usually they help one.
At my son’s school, it’s like that.
They go with the youth applications, CVs etc through
The facts as it was.
What are you trying to do?