Kriegen Leute von Vapes nicht Krebs?
Warum juckt es viele nicht?
Warum juckt es viele nicht?
Sub|stanz|is|mus – die Reduzierung eines komplexen Sachverhaltes oder einer Person auf Drogen (-konsum). Diskriminierung bzw. Vorverurteilung von Substanzen und Drogengebrauchende, die zur Folge die Reduzierung von Menschen auf ihre Substanzaffiität hat und deshalb als Unterdrückungsmechanismus zu sehen ist. […] →
Es geht btw um Alprazolam/Xanax
Also gebt diesen in die Hülse?! Manche schmeißen den ja direkt in den Müll 🚯🚮
Hey ich hab keine antwort auf die frage gefunden ob man lavendel pur rauchen kann können dabei nebenwirkungen auftauchen oder ist es an sich genauso schädlich wie tabbak oder villeicht sogar weniger bitte schnelle antwort danke 🙂
NOWhy would they…?
There is no real reason to accept such a thesis.
You confuse smoke and steam. It is the combustion process and ultimately the resulting smoke, which contains the harmful and carcinogenic substances. Vapes, i.e. e-cigarettes, do not have a combustion process. Only one liquid is heated here until it evaporates. There are no other substances. The substances present only change their aggregate state from liquid to gaseous.
Cigarettes contain hundreds of ingredients.
The liquid for e-cigarettes usually contains only 3 ingredients. 2 of these ingredients are food additives plus food flavours. All 3 substances are officially considered non-quantitative. They have been known for decades and are in our daily food.
Steaming with e-cigarettes may not be healthy. It is, however, much less harmful than to take a walk on a busy road.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
It is new to me that European e-cigarettes and liquids have a proven risk of cancer. All studies which were not falsified have not been able to confirm the suspicion so far.
It should not necessarily be the trigger, but it is a “support” if you want it. Like everything else, which is somehow unhealthy and/or intensifies or causes inflammation.
Has the smoker ever disturbed?
What does this have to do with conventional cigarettes and smokers? There are enough smokers who have deliberately changed to the e-cigarette, as smoking is extremely harmful.
This is simply because the product is far too young for valid long-term studies. In the same way, the cigarette industry has also tried decades to reduce the consequences of smoking.
This is now a pretty extinct straw managrument. The ingredients of the base have been used for many decades. Among other things also for disinfection of breathing air.
With such comparative studies and studies on e-cigarette users who have been using them for more than 10 years, this can be easily answered by experts.
The data is there, but many still do not want to accept it.
Ooh… JAAA… waffles can be very tasty, but only by the way, they also consist of 100% chemistry, no matter how they are made.
The same applies to apples, oranges, bananas… all pure chemistry.
AND… You’ll also take this “Chemiekram” in your daily, with every yogurt, cake, etc…
If you can’t raise any substantive arguments, the discussion has ended in my favour.
As if that was the point – who pulls the chemical stuff in, it definitely has one at the waffle.
So my argument doesn’t fail, thank you.
I didn’t change the subject either, but I made another argument. I’m sorry if you don’t recognize the difference.
You’re changing the subject because you’re starting the arguments. One time, it’s just unhealthy and you want to build an argument. I notice myself when someone tries to sell me for stupid.
I don’t understand where my argument fails. Just because there is no reasonable or “realistic” reason to Vapen the argument is no less value.
You just don’t have a reasonable reason, but don’t hesitate to discuss if you have no more arguments.
Besides, you discredited me as “Laie,” it’s kindergarten.
I’m sorry, but I don’t want these kindergarten discussions. Either you argue right or leave it.
Okay, then you should be realistic to guess that it’s more harmful to vaps than not to do.
So what prevents you from listening? Because it’s cool?
I’m not playing anything down. I’m just a realist. You’ve never really dealt with the issue of security before, and as Laie you want to tell me what it is.
What brings you down the risks of these products?
There are three possibilities. Vapes are less harmful than accepted, they are as harmful as assumed and they are more harmful than accepted. No matter what it is, they are harmful or something. So you don’t argue about it, but about it as much.
Therefore, there is no reasonable reason to use this and to defend much less one for it, unless you want to harm your health.
Don’t people of Vapes get cancer? – Oh, don’t you get it, WARUM? About because the devices are called “E-Cigarette” although they are actually pocket inhalers?
The connection of smoking and cancer has been negated very long (also in court), today it is all known. Vapes are still relatively young on the market (compared to cigarettes), the time will show it. If studies show that this is not the case, it should also be mentioned that studies have shown that cigarettes are not harmful – do not dare any study you did not fake yourself (the spell is sometimes still valid today).
No, the cancer risk is extremely low compared to the tobacco cigarette.
Because one dies at some point, second hype and group compulsion, thirdly, the tastes and colors are always so cool and happy that one does not have the risk in front of the eye
Just for the same reason why there are many who do not taste cigarette smoking. The danger is abstract and too far away, they can hide the possible consequences and simply hope that it will not happen to them.
How dangerous Vapes really are so far nobody can say because there are no long-term studies yet. However, if one looks at how long the cigarette industry has tried to beautify the consequences of smoking, it can be assumed that it is significantly more harmful than previously assumed.
There’s a lot of things like that, the consequences of this are far away.
It’s a addiction. You can get cancer from all drugs or you can get cancer. You could just as well ask why some meshes drink alcohol. You know what the consequences are.
The urge to coolness is above all concerns. If they then smile at their lives with 46 aud of an intensive care unit, it is too late. But there’s always more promotional sacrifices. There is no lack of those who make corporations rich and sick themselves.
From sugar you get the most cancer yet you run millions of fat bags across the area
At least much less than normal cigarettes.
Well, if the Vapes have niktotin, it’s like smoking with the cigarette, it’s a addiction and most don’t get away from it.