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See pictures – the plant is Maggi herb
Yeah, people, for example.
Menstruation is not particularly common in the animal world. Only higher mammals ( monkeys) have control bleeding. For only they have so-called spiral arteries, from which blood emerges as a rule. Why other animals don’t have these arteries – you don’t know. However, some wild animals have an aqueous outflow when a non-fertilized egg is expelled.
Dogs also have their days!!!
No, they didn’t. Dogs become common and bleeding minimally in their fertile time. The period of the woman takes place after the fertile time!
Some primates … and a mouse type:
…and dogs
Depends on the monkey type. Some can get you but most as far as I don’t know
Dogs and cats also have their days so why other mammals should not have that
My cat (6 years) (British long-haired) not!!
Dogs and cats have no days;) They become normal or rolling. That’s completely different.
but they’re taking blood
Yes, but only the higher primates. So not all monkey species.