Kriege ich von einem Spiegelei Salmonellen?
Weil bei einem Spiegelei ist das Eigelb ja flüssig. Kriege ich bei einem Spiegelei Salmonellen?
Weil bei einem Spiegelei ist das Eigelb ja flüssig. Kriege ich bei einem Spiegelei Salmonellen?
Schmeckt zu langweilig irgendwie
Wozu kann man eine süße Haselnuss Creme benutzten, außer als Aufstrich oder topping? habt ihr Desserts oder Ähnliches zum empfehlen
Ich hab ausversehen zur schlechten Flasche gegriffen und hab ausversehen einen Schluck vom schlechten Eistee genommen ( war alt Zucker war schon zusammengestetzt usw. ) ist das jetzt schlimm
This fear is unfounded. According to the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), in 2010, salmonella were detected on the shell at less than 1 percent of the eggs examined, and none were found inside the eggs.
Hello, KYAnime!
If you don’t let the egg gamble in front of you for days, but eat it right after frying, the number of germs will be so small that your stomach acid is finished playing with it.
if the egg was clean when it was not safe.
Infecting with salmonella in Germany is extremely unlikely.
But I used to have salmonella as a little kid. They’ve been found in the hospital in a stool sample. Nobody knows where I got the salmonella because I didn’t eat eggs at that time.
Unprobably, not impossible. In addition, children have a weaker immune system and as long as you are not 80+ or otherwise weakened, you have to worry about it.
Salmonella can also be transferred elsewhere.
It’s so annoying. My condolences.
Right. You’re right. I forgot. I was also told in the 3-year training as a domestic worker that children and elderly people have a weaker immune system.
That’s why my 99-year-old grandma died on 10.12.2022. It all came together. The hospital report said she had an infection. Gradually, all body functions have left behind. She fell on 02.12.2022 into a dawn sleep and slept on 10.12.2022 at 20:20 for ever.