Kribbeln wie Ameisen, was kann es sein?
Hallo, ich habe schon ewig lang so ein komisches kribbeln auf d Körper, am meisten aber in den Händen und Füßen. Ich habe schon öfter geschaut was es sein könnte und war auch beim Neurologen, welcher jedoch nichts gefunden hat, außer ein Folsäure Mangel, woraufhin ich 5mg pro Tag nehmen sollte. Allerdings hab ich leider keine Verbesserung verspürt und Nacht kurz vorm einschlafen habe ich so komische Tastsinn Störungen.
Weiß jemand eventuell mehr?
I don’t know more, but I have polyneuropathy and know that. With me, b12 spray and lyrica alleviate the symptoms. B12 gets free, lyrica only in diagnosis.
Yes, thank you.
I’m gonna go find another neurologist.
That’s why I’ve been with many doctors for two years and I’ve heard most of them – I’ll figure it out, there’s nix.
Now I have the shredded chronic
If you should be strongly overweight, polyneuropathy would be conceivable. The reason for this is diabetes type II.
Is that creeping over the day?
That’s what the neurologist found out, I got it myself and get it b12.
No, I’m in the lower normal weight, but diabetes is in the family, it can be good.
The tingling is more noticeable at least in the evening.
In the evening it is probably not on the mattress. Then it would be creeping in the morning after getting up at the strongest.
Are you vegan or vegetarian or are you feeding on one side?
Then it could also be a vitamin B deficiency.
I myself had a vitamin D deficiency that had also affected the skin.
I got the 20,000 IE from the doctor’s pharmacy. Later, I bought drops with 1000 IE. I mean by E D E K A.
Since the sun works better and is still free, I am more often on the balcony in the summer. In winter, maybe the drops again. :
Vitamin B deficiency I did not think yet. Didn’t test me for it either.
Yes one-sided diet. Vitamin B deficiency can be good. Did you just take pills, so those of Rossmann or DM?
Polyneuropathy could be that.
If the neurologist finds nix, what should we know? Especially without investigations.
I was concerned with the people who have something similar 🙂