
Hey kennt ihr das ? Ich war unterwegs und mir war sehr schummrig habe mir eine Flasche Wasser gekauft getrunken bin wieder raus und auf einmal wurde mir schwindelig alles war so unecht hat sich so unecht angefühlt ich hatte eben Glück das ich schnell war und mich schnell erstmal wieder hingelegt habe das war halt ein sehr heftiges Erlebnis ich hatte schon hin und wieder Schwindel aber das hat eben alles übertroffen ich war auch fast davor den Notruf zu wählen da ich fast umgefallen wäre


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3 months ago

THE I always have: this is a peppermint oil and if mir is kind of a bit funny on the go, then I do this to the temples (but intentionally, that’s pretty sharp, it’s not allowed to come into the eyes), I do it to the nose tip, to the pulse and I also snuck a little bit.

You don’t turn around.

In addition, I always have a small bottle of water and packed in foil a piece of hard cheese.

You see, it’s the same thing for others, and since I’ve done that, I’ve never had these problems again. Because in the background I know I have something if what should be.

I used this Japanese oil sometime in the S-Bahn, so on my nose, I think someone actually considered me a real “sniffer”.

The odd thing about such situations is that you get into it.

3 months ago

Very likely circulation or low blood pressure. It’s more like it. Always drink well, always have a piece of sugar or the like. I’m getting too bad and I’m sweating too, but that’s just because your cycle isn’t really hot or you eat too little. Don’t get too much in, that’s going back:)


3 months ago

Better go to the doctor.

3 months ago

Possibly the drink was too cold and dei blood pressure too deep and both together it has dissolved!