Kreditkarte ohne Jahresgebühr?
Sollte ich mir den Stress machen um die Karte ordentlich zu kündigen. Oder kann ich sie wegwerfen, wenn sowieso keine Jahresgebühr angefällt?
This is not real Credit card as we know them from Visa & Co, but a permanent loan that Consor finances – preferably for financing via media market or furnishings.
He’s in your sheikh, even if you don’t even use it.
This can be a manko for further capital needs.
So, if you don’t use it, please confirm.
Then you’re on the safe side.
If you’d rather quit. Then you’ll be “rough” if you’re going to introduce fees.
If you don’t want the credit card anymore, it would be useful to quit. Otherwise, the evil awakening comes at some point, if there are fees in the future. Apart from the fact that the card is then unnecessarily an existent card in the Schufa
A credit card is not thrown away, it is cancelled.
You might think you’re a kid.
It is necessary to cut it properly so that all data becomes unreadable. But only if you can really rely on the fact that no fees are incurred i guess
Schufa entry and risk that the number is known and used somewhere.