Kreditkarte bekommen ohne Arbeitgeber / Einkommen?
Ich habe aktuell keinen Arbeitgeber bzw. festes Einkommen und hätte gerne eine Kreditkarte (brauche ich für Tools die nur eine Kreditkarte akzeptieren) für meine Selbstständigkeit. Ich bin auch ziemlich liquide.
Ich habe auch schon versucht mir die awa7 von Visa zu holen aber Visa hat mich aus genannten Gründen abgelehnt.
Weiß jemand ob und wie ich an eine Kreditkarte komme?
What you can prove. Evtl. mal at branch/regional banks.
Nö, the Hanseatic Bank rejected you. Visa does not issue credit cards.
If you have a good income as a self-employed person, that should be feasible.
I can only generate income when I buy these tools. And I need the credit card.
A Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit is also enough to buy something.
You get the awa7 even without fixed income (I got it as a student).
You sure you don’t have a Schufa entry or something?
I was told that I don’t get one if I don’t have income. Schufa ka. Why there should be something in there. Have no debts and always pay cash.
Then you may also have little positive data in the Schufa. Can’t hurt to ask for a free data copy.
Prepaid credit card, debit credit card without limit. With Limit, it won’t work, but you won’t need it as a pure payment option
Only correct credit cards accepted Visa, Master, AmEx
Strange tools. It makes sense to block any bails.
Go to your bank and apply for a prepaid credit card
Only correct credit cards accepted Visa, Master, AmEx