Kreditfinanzierung für ein Kreuzfahrtschiff?


2 Freunde(14,15) und ich(14) fänden es eine gute Idee, ein Kreuzfahrtschiff zu kaufen und darauf Kreuzfahrten machen oder daraus einen Club zu machen. Allerdings ist ein Kreuzfahrtschiff( recht teuer. Nun ist meine Frage, könnte man ein Kreuzfahrtschiff mit einem Kredit finanzieren, falls Nein, wie dann.

Danke für Hilfe.

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2 years ago

Almost every ship in size is financed by loans, even large companies put the money there usually not bar on the table. Whether you get a corresponding loan is another question. A sophisticated business plan should be the first step, but do not make you great hopes.

2 years ago

Whether it’s a good idea, whether it’s a good idea, isn’t that it’s already there. But this is an air lock that is impossible to finance by private people. Hook on.


2 years ago

Well, of course not in a firm position, no one can pay. Once heard that the lying fees in the ports go to the tens of thousands – per day. But think about something like the Metalcruise or in general such events … Gruss

2 years ago

Just buying the cruise ship is a little short thought. Not only are the 33 million recorded in the ad, but also the 912 crew members who want to be paid.

And if we expect 10 million for each of you, how much do you want to pay off monthly? Suppose you get it at 18, calculated up to retirement age, we take a generous 68, which are 600 months, divided by 10 million (interests are also included) about 17,000 rate/month. In addition, the salary for the employees, we put down a thousand per person (for which a captain, ship doctor, all the animators, etc. do not even stand up) at the bottom, makes another monthly 90.000, i.e. 30,000 for everyone.

Besides, a ship doesn’t just drive like that, it needs fuel, lying at the port costs money. Food, beverages, all the equipment, everything has to be pre-financed and not too little.

2 years ago

Well, maybe you’re tending a rotten and putting it on somewhere. Doesn’t have to drive, it also makes advertising for the club easier. Then a small, small clubs are often better to fill and also faster. And ask the bank. Up to half of the metal value they certainly credit. The rebuilding would then have to be done more in self-reality, or with friends, acquaintances. And think again briefly why this is not yet available;-) 😉

2 years ago

If you have enough collateral, e.g. if you have a lot of real estate, it can work.

With young people (from 18J), who don’t have much to offer, it might be enough for a loan for a inflatable.

2 years ago

Living the rich OPA’s
Rich peasant aunt
Go and save work until the kneader is here

Set up ship funds
Other investors, funders, idealists find/ get “Boot”

Used Kahn buy, is cheaper, goes faster – see TUI “my ship”

2 years ago

Nobody gets such loans. The amount is too high. You have to be able to offer good security. And you can’t do that.

2 years ago

yes, they are always funded

2 years ago

And what should you be able to do such a way to bring the necessary expertise for such a billion business, to find the necessary clientele and the right flag state as well as the indispensable logistics chain for personnel (hundred to thousands), food, fuel plus start-up rights? Try a crab cutter. That could be more of size.

2 years ago

How many millions of € have you made available as start capital? What cars, houses and companies can you offer as collateral?

Finish the school first!

2 years ago

Now is my question, could you finance a cruise ship with a loan,

Of course, the least owners of such ships will put the amount bar on the table.

2 years ago

You don’t really think any bank would make a few kids spend a few million euros, do you?

2 years ago
Reply to  Kuroiinuu

We are already aware that as a child you don’t get credit, we just want to know how this is generally done.

2 years ago
Reply to  Benomat

In general, you have to present a few years of balance sheet, suggesting the stable economies with corresponding revenues, submit a business/financing plan for the ship and provide sufficient security (e.g. stock packages worth €33 million are certainly accepted if the balance sheets & future prospects are good). Then every bank likes to give you the credit.

If you don’t get anything, you won’t even get a loan for a $20,000.

2 years ago

You don’t.