Kredit von volksbank trotz schulden?
ich habe ein dispo bei der volksbank von 1000€. Ich bin bereits 800€ im minus. Und habe schulden bei zb klarna, und ratenkäufe. Also bin ich insgesamt ca um 4000€ -5000€ verschuldet.
denkt ihr ich kann bei der volksbank trotzdem einen kredit bekommen von sagen wir 7000€ um alles abzubezahlen und dan den kredit zurückzahlen.
Ps. Habe ein festes monatliches einkommen von 1500€ und wohne kostenlos muss also keine miete bezahlen.
Why? Take 1000 euros each month for redemption, bake half a year small rolls, and with consistent application you are debt-free in about 6 months.
You didn’t get a loan now, I’m pretty sure. 🤷
What makes you realize what others think?
Go to the Volksbank and apply for a loan if you want.
However, since €1,500 net income does not exceed the amount of allowance for 1 person, I do not believe that you will receive €7,000.
But this is the decision of the Volksbank and not I:)
If you have the opportunity to borrow private money.
That would be my tip:)
No, you don’t get – and that’s good.
You’d make things worse.
One Guilder consulting would be the right measure for you now.
Thank you.
If the rest fits, but why 7000€? You have a maximum of 5,000€ debt. Why do you want to make $2,000? You’re making it worse.
for any “good” rescheduling, there is always money left, which can be swung on the head in addition. and the rates are also much lower
But you have to fight against it. High eradication and the credit to the minimum.
Why so many debts if you live for free and have 1500€ income
Save it a little bit then it’s back up quickly
Forget it. Schufa says no.