Kredit trotz Schufa bekommen wie?

Hallo Community,

ich möchte unbedingt einen Kredit bekommen ich habe einen unbefristeten Arbeitsvertrag leider durch einen vorfall vor einiger Zeit einen Schufa eintrag weshalb der herkömmliche weg nicht klappt bei der Bank.

Bitte keine Weisheits leehren ich bin mir über meinen Schritt den ich hier gehe vollsten bewusst.

Bitte auch direkte Seiten oder Anbieter nennen wäre sehr lieb dankeschön.

Danke Fabian

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2 years ago

You have to go to a debt counseling, serious banks don’t tell you, you’ve been building badge.

Alternative is a private credit in the form of cash in a paper bag by a man with baldness and training suit on a parking bench. He probably has 20% interest and they always get their money.

You should really break down everything that looks at the expenditures and don’t have any credit where it is possible.

2 years ago

For your colleagues and perhaps for you it would be useful to deal with your creditors.

On a legal way, without being left in addition to the vein, you can forget it. From the point of view of a potential creditor, its failure is too high. If someone finds themselves, the conditions are so modest that the said Lord on the parking bench mentioned by floppydisk would be the cheaper alternative.

2 years ago

to ask more than for relatives or credit sharks you cannot do in your situation

What do you need the credit for?

2 years ago
2 years ago

Evtl. can help you with a debt advisor.