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2 years ago

Hello Daze8292,

So I think you want to do this for your father, but I see two problems:

  1. As a student you probably won’t get $10,000
  2. You can rewrite such small loans as far as I don’t know

Maybe you should look more like a cheaper car you can afford.


2 years ago

You can’t rewrite loans.

And you, as a student, will not get a loan at that level…

(risk would be: You are completely alone for this loan)

2 years ago

I wouldn’t do it on principle.

2 years ago

Everything that is overthrown holds certain risks. From now on, take a loan – there would not surprise me high interest rates or any strange clauses.

If it’s stupid, he’s broke, and he’s going to blame you. You stand there with the rates and have no return = car. I have no idea how good your relationship is.

10K is not extremely much money now, but it can hurt for a while.

2 years ago

Apart from the fact that the loan as a student would probably not be approved, the bank would probably not agree to the transfer action.

what risks can come to me?

That father can’t pay or pay – logically – right?

2 years ago

Just use public transport for so long and pick up the car a few days later.

That’s a schnapps

2 years ago

Rewriting is a wishful thought!

How do you get that?

He doesn’t get a loan!
So I guess you’re not going to let go of Deien credit run on him.

As a student, you are not so creditworthy, even for 10k€

2 years ago

The Bank does not have to agree with such a transfer in any way and will not do so in accordance with experience.

You are fully liable for your debt until everything is paid.

2 years ago

My father needs a loan today

Well, that’s very short. I wouldn’t let that happen. Surely the purchase has been planned for a long time, which is why it has not been started with the loan?