Krebsfälle durch die CoviD-Impfung?
Hallöchen zusammen,
ich weiss es ist ein sehr gewagtes ding,was ich hier ansprechen werde.
Aber wenn man dies nicht macht wird man wohl nie was zum austauschen haben.
Wie die Überschrift schon sagt Krebsfälle durch die Impfung.
Ich selbst finde es sehr komisch wie viele Menschen tatsächlich die sich Impfen lassen haben die kern Gesund waren an Krebs erkrankten.
Natürlich habe ich auch in meinem kreise welche die darunter erkrankten und infolge an Krebs gestorben sind. Das kann kein zufall mehr sein. Was haltet ihr davon ?
There are studies like this
in this direction. Significant studies with sufficient statistical significance and peer reviews are still emerging. You can’t say it so far. Neither yes nor no can be chosen here in a loadable manner. The next months will show when the studies are under the peer review.
Of course no, because it is not possible to see what you don’t want!
It is necessary to manipulate themselves, completely hide all the rest – mind and even in the aftermath nothing to question according to the motto “why should you wake sleeping dogs”?
The work of the state up to today in this respect is carried out by zero education, being left alone and doctors remain silent, as well as the churches – reminds of the 20 he/30 he years past century and proves that the Germans are unique in their kind. Uniquely stupid!
The vaccines have been researched in studies for a long time before we got them and also examined on subjects. If it had been shown to have been found to be a cancer disease by vaccines, they would not have been released.
But… In Covid times, a lot more people have searched arts practices, have been investigated due to any real or imaginary sympthome. I think it is quite possible that there have been many “random diagnosis”. That means that in the course of an investigation of something, you might have found a cancer disease. About the investigation of the blood on tumor markers. So cancers that would have been discovered without corona, maybe a lot later.
you know something that is not all knowledge, because in Switzerland a lawsuit has been filed against the pharmaceutical authority.
The plaintiffs are talking about proof that these drugs have never been tested for people before. Otherwise, there would be no serious studies yet only the smallest any existing one would prove any reliability of the RNA vaccines.
You can see the whole media conference with all the arguments here.
The mass with which the world’s population was lied and deceived in this alleged pandemic probably knows no limits and is an indication of the unscrupulousness of certain people in power.
I don’t know how the plaintiffs are.
those who, however, represent them in court, are allegedly well-known vaccinators or those who have already been noticed in some other way, i.e. against Corona measures.
also the is.M. after a very meaningful aspect.
Yes, that is very relevant to me and important that in this point the communication partners and everything understand the same as I do.
Otherwise I have to forget too much, leave and ignore 🤯.
how beautiful that you at least see that.
ergo is any further discussion probably forgiven sweetheart and superfluous as a crotch.
I hope that’s also bright and forward-looking for you, we may meet again.
As I see, we already have different views in what is all.
With you, everything is much less than with me.
And this one you can keep as you want.
but as far as my life is concerned, I don’t care.
Because I don’t like to kill myself.
I have nothing to prove to you. And for your unhealthy mistrust I can’t.
unheard. What do you think?
Then ask the support, follow this. They should compare my Ip number to that of the other user, or what else they have for habits to determine double accounts.
But you should do that, you don’t say anything here to me, you don’t have such “densities” to yourself.
…as for the rest of your text concerning the pandemic: do as you want. I told you before. To me.
and compared to the one you “loaded” me, I might have an unauthorized double account, this picture also fits what you write about Corona here:
Unfortunately, only unfermented and not end up thinking, not all the facts included – just as all Coronaleugners do.
from this, your “image of opinion” (in relation to this marginal group) is nothing special, only average.
some of what you’re doing here, but it’s a little strange.
live so much more your narrative, before you harass others – completely groundless – with any fantasies you just thought out.
Also kennst du zumindest ihren Schreibstil.
Auf den habe ich bisher nicht weiter geachtet, die einzigen zwei Dinge die mir aufgefallen sind, dass beide Rapunzel innerhalb weniger Monate sich hier Registriert haben.
Und dass du gegen Querdenker und Aluhutträger los gehst.
Damit ist der Unterschied nicht mehr sehr gross.
Auch deine Bemerkung hier, zu den Leuten in diesem Gremium, warum und wieso.
Dass du nicht erst Inhalte Anhörst, sondern einfach oberflächlich Urteilst
Denn Hättest du diese Darlegung ach angehört, dann wüstest du, dass es nie eine Pandemie gab, die Zahlen die sie angeben und worauf sie Verweisen, zeige das deutlich.
Dazu in der Schweiz wissen alle, dass die Impfung nur eine Notzulassung hatte.
Was das bedeutet, sollten die meisten Schweizer auch wissen.
Ein Medikament mit Notzulassung ist noch nicht genügend geprüft.
Und damit alles andere, wer da noch weiter dem Narrativ der Masse folgt????
Wenn du also hier Kommentare abgeben willst zu Dingen die ich schreibe, dann musst du schon etwas mehr Forschen und Wissen.
Denn was du mir Unterstellst, bedeutet. dass du mich Geistig unterentwickelt darstellst
Damit könnte ich wie du eine Entschuldigung von dir Erwarten.
Denn ich bemühe mich so weit ich kann Aussagen selbst nachzuforschen, nachzuprüfen wie mir möglich bevor ich etwa annehme.
Und wenn ich so viel Zensur erlebe wie es in dieser Zeit geschah, dann glaube ich nichts mehr.
Zudem ich lebe nicht auf einer Insel oder in Geschlossenen Mauern.
Lebe in einem Umfeld von Menschen.
Diese Menschen arbeiten zum Teil.
Und einige davon sind in Altersheimen und in Spitälern tätig.
Zudem habe ich auch einen Arzt mit dem ich spreche.
Ja sogar mehrere mit denen ich schon gesprochen habe.
Auch aus diesen Gesprächen weiss ich Dinge.
Muss ich all das vergessen, muss ich alles was die mir sagten, schon vor der angeblichen Pandemie vergessen?
Willst du mich zwangsverdummten?
Dann zeige mir den Gesetzesartikel der den Europäern Dummheit vorschreibt 🤔.
Du kannst ja dich dahinter verschanzen und weiterhin dich für dumm verkaufen lassen und mit der Masse schreien.
Das eigene Nachdenken ablehnen und das eigene Forschen.
Aber ich tue das nicht.
Also wenn du meinst, dass ich dir glauben soll, dass du nicht die selbe Person bist wie die andere mit Rappunzel musst du mir auch etwas mehr als nur deine Erklärungen bringen.
Ich habe dazu schon zu viel erlebt, als dass ich solches so leicht glaube.
Ich bin diesbezüglich noch immer misstrauisch in Bezug auf dich.
Also beweise, dass du anders bist und wirklich eine Andere Person.
Selber nachdenken
Keine Vorurteile sondern erst einmal aufmerksam zuhören.
Dann selbst nachprüfen was du kannst.
nicht nur dem glauben was das narrativ zu glauben hat.
Alles ansehen.
No, the can not be!
(as just explained).
but alone, that you ask the question, demonstrate to me how – to assume – some can easily be guided by false information, one already trembles here (with a similar username). Has everyone here considered the “right” to a certain name? Certainly not!)
…yes, and in a pandemic then quite “big conspiracy”.
…not very surprising.
my pen is also quite different. You don’t want to see that?
so? Wer sagt das denn bitte? Du?
ein jeder darf sich über Corona eine Meinung bilden – bzw., wird sich die größtenteils bereits gebildet.haben. Egal, ob er Medizin studiert hat, oder nicht.
….Und wäre dem so, viele hier müßten dann hier leise sein. Z.B., die, die keine Medizin studiert haben, und hier nur laut öffentlich Unsinn über die Pandemie verbreiten.
Tja. Sich nicht nur in „bestimmten Kreisen“ zu informieren, hilft da schon weiter.
wenn du das so sehen magst, bitte.
ich selbst erlebe es eher, daß manche, „die nicht mit der Masse schreien“ sich eher respektlos gegen andere benehmen.
….wo kommen denn sonst die ganzen Kraftausdrücke gegen geimpfte denn her, liest man alleine Kommentare hier (und da meine ich nicht nur Kommentare gegen meine Person, sondern auch die gegen andere)?
….Beispiele gefällig?
beleidigt? Nein, eher belustigt!
aber wird man von jemanden „verwechselt“, und dabei noch blöde angemacht, ist eine Entschuldigung doch eigentlich selbstverständlich, hat man noch einen Funken Anstand in sich.
natürlich, manche hier haben das wirklich nicht nötig.
spricht man diejenigen dann darauf an, halten sie dann nur die Klappe. Das beste, das solche ungehobelte Leute überhaupt tun können.
ganz bestimmt nicht. Die andere Userin (die du anscheinend meinst) ist weitaus länger hier und bereits Experte. Auch das spricht für eine längere Verweildauer hier hier auf gf (als ich sie habe).
tue was du willst und denke, was du willst.
deine „Meinungen“ sind zumindest nicht meine, und wenn du nichts konstruktives zu einer Diskussion beitragen möchtest, darfst du womöglich fragwürdige Kommentare auch gerne für dich behalten.
Just think about your statements that you can read here.
Respectless people who do not scream with the crowd.
But then insulted and apologise asking you to have with someone who has the same odds as you confused, just because you don’t pay attention to the numbers.
Therefore according to your own statement
is this also a meaningful aspect that speaks of you for the total unreliability and superficiality.
Couldn’t it even be possible that under the user name Rapunzel the same person presents itself here?
The strange thing is that these two similar names, so short in succession, registered.
So with your comments always remember who else has the same name Rapunzel 🤔.
Now you should just listen to the media conference.
Since you’re supposed to be not a medic, you should therefore be in such issues.
In addition, it has always been very obvious that all with Corona was a big lie.
Anyone who develops a drug so quickly, it is then in record time to make it available.
And yet promises that it has no side effects.
There you have to ask the intelligence of the people who are still impoverished.
You don’t need to study medicine.
Simple general knowledge is enough.
It takes studies!
And since the vaccinations against COVID 19 are not so long, this has only occurred subjectively to you.
What’s the matter?
Who knows?
many data and several studies worldwide were collected.
Until now there have been no valid evidence for your acceptance.
a study is known to me, which claims the opposite, but the competent university clinic has already distanced itself from it.
That’s what it says.
Secondly, there is a pathologist who claims the same. She distributes her “knowledge” in YouTube movies (how could it be different).
So, all in all an info that is currently widely spread by Schwurblern.
What surprises me is that soooo many people are currently ill. Flu and so.
Yes that’s true that’s very strange
It’s not strange at all, it can be seen every year around this season and it’s called “influenza wave”… the term has been for decades, if not for centuries.
School was in the ski camp. 48 of 158 students are now ill.
Isn’t surprising, we’ve almost eroded the last two flu waves because virtually no one was on the go outside / with others, now the flu virus has developed more than usual and has killed more people.
But actually everyone should be vaccinated…? If sooo many people are ill, you could have saved this whole vaccination.
The years before had almost no flu because of mask and initial restrictions. It is therefore logical that the wave is stronger this year.
This is because they have avoided the last winter contacts and ran around with mask. In this way, they have protected themselves from flu and consequently the body has no longer built up antibodies.
Influenza and snuff are now completely normal. Since in recent years people have not been sick because of masks and social distancing, it now catches all at once and not distributed over 2-3 years.
Vaccinated against Covid. But also against flu?
Covid vaccination does not help with other viruses!
Also a corona infection is not prevented, but the hospitalization and mortality!
What kind of cancer did your acquaintances die, glioblastoma, pancreatic carcinoma, bronchial carcinoma (small cellular or not small cellular), mamma carcinoma etc.? Staging? How was therapy before vaccination, surgery, chemotherapy, down staging etc? A lot is claimed and written, but you shouldn’t believe everything. Vaccinations are even recommended for oncological patients, certainly not without reason.
It’s always like that. Before you get sick you’re healthy.
Also, you need to distinguish when the cancer has begun to form and when you have discovered it. An accumulation of discoveries is now also due to the precautionary investigations not carried out during the coronary period.
This is a theory of you first. Now you’d just have to prove it scientifically.
that has nothing to do with vaccination.
The vaccine has completely disappeared from the body after 14 days at the latest and the immune reaction has been completed.
About 30% of people suffer at least during their lives. One time on cancer.
‘The immune response after vaccination is completed no later than 14 days’–How do you know? Something because the clinical trials of the vaccinators were then completed?
no, because vaccinations on mRNA basis work exactly as biologically. Whatever vaccine.
Additional it is occupied by zich studies etc.
As something else to assert is simply opinion and not a fact.
So save yourself a crosshead if you can’t even separate opinion from facts.
I have responded to your answer and thus to the subject. It is simply not true that the immune reaction after the vaccination is completed 15 days later.
about back to the topic
Now stay relaxed.
You are incorrectly informed and confused the post-covid syndrome with the post Vac syndrome..
As mimicry, both disease images can be similar because the immune response to the respective antigen (Sars-Cov-2 and mRNA) has parallelism.
false information you mean 😂
you obviously don’t know what the Post Vac Syndrome is and above all not that it was also before Corona vaccinations ahja, and that it is the absolute exception
Then there is no “post-vac- syndrom” what you call “querdenkerkacke”?
When more and more people get vaccinated, more and more people who get cancer are vaccinated. Simple bill. The conclusion, however, that this means “vaccination = more cancer” is simply wrong.
One must say that there was a special focus on people with pre-disorders and that they belonged to the vaccination group 1.
Right, so it was already “to expect” (to express it cautiously) that if necessary, even after vaccination, a serious illness could be caused at any time, simply because the risk of these patients was already there because of age.
Cancer usually comes with age, as the cells are constantly renewing happens with time increasing mutations which then become cancer. That still young people get cancer will probably be more of the genes.
So much of my reading
I’ve been vaccinating for two years. Anyone who has been developing a new malignant tumor is still in treatment or undiagnosed and has not yet died in all rules.
However, there is no suspicion of carcinogenic substances in the vaccination solution, but certainly those on poor cancer prevention during lockdown times.
no more cancers can be observed by vaccination. People have just gone too little in the last years of Corona and the cancer has not been discovered in time
Family disposition.
All cancer patients I knew had eaten apples, many even repeated. Now it is proven that the consumption of apples causes cancer. Before you contradict, consider whether you know a cancer patient who had no contact with apples.
What are you doing here for depperte information?
young, with us each feeds at least 2 apples a day. The oldest is now 83 and probably more fit like you. In the head anyway.
Thus, each cancer patient has gained experience with apples. That is just as the questioner expects. Cancer and vaccination belong together, just like apples and cancer. Or were they pears?
Every carcinoma wears socks.
Every cancer patient breathes air.
Every cancer drink water.
Your theory is not worth the paper sheet. You can only hope you’re trolling.
You are here with claims that you are still guilty of!
A person has about 100 friends. If there are some who suffer from cancer due to a vaccination (this proof may be applied in time!), this is a fly shot against the billions of vaccinations administered.
P.S. I’ve had cancer and I don’t think you’re saying that!
I do not say anything here:) so Piano
Come on, get the evidence for your untenable thesis.
Trolle can be quite funny, but not on this level!
I’m not a troll interested here just a few things… no one wants something of you good
I don’t see any connection. You don’t know how many people would have got cancer without vaccination.
Vaccinations will scarcely trigger cancer and you will not get cancer from hot to morning.
still strange…
How do you know?
A good acquaintance (climate-completed) was in May 2022 for normal cancer care, including ultrasound at the gyn. In August, only a few weeks later, she suddenly got bleeding. There was a gigantic tumor that had already grown up with intestine, cervical neck and bladder and was inoperable.
She was vaccinated at the beginning of the year….
I don’t think anything about these nasty claims.
This has nothing to do with vaccination. Cancer can meet everyone. Who says that is a vaccinator
No, you’re not… just because someone cares
You don’t have to tell anyone who asks such a question about the vaccine. In the next step a rich man cries here. What’s wrong?
And just hope there are people who are interested in a complete education:
Everyone can get cancer at any time, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated. There is no evidence that the corona vaccination triggers cancer.