mein Exfreund (Trennung vor 1 Jahr) ist seit 2015 Krebskrank (keine sehr aggressive Form, aber unheilbar; kommt immer wieder). Mittlerweile ist er verheiratet und hat Ende April eine Tochter bekommen, nur weiß seine Frau weder von seiner Erkrankung, noch von dem Verdacht, dass er die Krebserkrankung vererbt haben könnte.
Ich bin im Zwiespalt, ob ich es seiner Frau sagen soll, denn es geht mich nichts mehr an, aber die Tatsache, dass die Kleine eventuell etwas vererbt bekam, wovon die Kindsmutter nichts weiß, beschäftigt mich trotzdem.
Er wollte unbedingt ein Kind, ohne “Rücksicht auf Verluste”. Sein Arzt hatte ihm zu einem humangenetischen Test geraten, den er nie gemacht hat. Wie soll ich mich in dieser Situation verhalten?
Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus für eure Antworten!
It depends on how you stand with your ex-wife. Are you friends with her or do you know her about your ex?
If you have a friendly relationship with her, I’d tell her, otherwise you’ll betray the friendship yourself!
You then take her the opportunity to deal with the fact that she could suddenly lose him and stand alone without being able to say goodbye to him.
How do you think he didn’t tell you? Besides, it’s the last thing to put in working relationships and to put in very personal things.
that’s none of your business, so of course you don’t say that
As you have already noticed, you are no longer concerned and your knowledge is already a year old. Now the two have to agree on everything. You’re out of there. Have a good day.
what goes on like your ex life
As you write, it’s none of your business and you can’t change anything. Either he inherited it or not.
In addition, the chance of progeny is also significantly increased for each cancer disease. When my mother’s pediatrician heard that your sister had received cancer, he told her that she was meant to regularly investigate.
It’s none of your business! So keep out of this. Cancer is not really “retainable”. If various people in your narrower family all had the same cancer type, you should be active (thema breast cancer). There is no danger here for the child. Maybe she’ll get cancer later, maybe not. But there’s nothing you can do now to prevent this.