Krebs ohne Behandlung Erfahrungswerte?
Ich habe Knoten in linker Brust und möchte keine Biopsie machen, da ich falls negativ, keine Bestrahlung oder Chemo machen lassen würde. Das ist nicht empfehlenswert, bitte sprecht mit eurem Arzt. Ist meine persönliche Entscheidung, hat jmd Erfahrungswerte, sollte man präventiv Knoten mit Brust entfernen lassen, hat noch nicht gestreut, sieht vom Ultraschallbild allerdings lt privater Aussage Arzt, wegen gehackter Ränder aus wie Krebs. Final kann aber nur Bio sagen, ob es jetzt Krebs ist. Wer hat Erfahrungswerte mit einer Nichtbehandlung bzw total Operation? Vielen Dank
Your presentation is not quite understandable to me:
negative in relation to a biopsy means that no malignant cells are detected. This makes it completely clear that no irradiation or chemotherapy would be appropriate or necessary.
WAS mean, isn’t it recommended?
In the case of a mamma carcinoma (breast cancer), a treatment is highly recommended, since in most cases a healing can be achieved.
If a knot is clinically/image-providing suspicion of malignity (“bös-like”), one should clarify histologically – and, according to the knowledge then present, propose or perform a treatment.
Of course, any patient can decide how to treat them, but it is useful to be advised to do so competently.
I don’t know what you mean. If the knot is benign (often), you don’t have to remove it – and of course the chest isn’t. If the node is malignant (e.g. detected by a biopsy), the breast is also obtained in most cases, but in the case of relatively large tumors, several herds or even in the case of an explicit desire of the patient, the breast can also be removed.
The diagnosis is confirmed by the pathologist on the basis of the assessment of tissue samples, what or who you mean by “bio”, I do not quite understand.
Here! Both. [These are carcinomas, so malignant tumors in the breast]
Non-treatment: This practically always leads to the tumor growing, spreading in lymph nodes and foreseeable metastases, preferably in the bone, liver, skin and brain.
“Total operation”: If you mean the removal of the breast: CAN be a sensible measure, but it is often not necessary, in the case of a special patient’s request, if necessary. the breast removal (“Ablatio”), although it would not necessarily be “needed”, this can often also avoid an otherwise recommended irradiation.
There is no use for the experience of others….because every person and every cancer can be seen individually.
And the sooner you let you examine and treat yourself, the greater your chances of survival….I wouldn’t wait a day too much.
Yes, nevertheless I find exchange of experiences important
Your life is even more important and now counts only one more, quickly examine and take necessary measures.
Wish You All Happy World 🍀
If the biopsy is negative, you do not need chemo or irradiation.
If you don’t want to do a biopsy, you’ll have a blackbox.
I know a person who didn’t treat her cancer who died with 23.