

der Vater von meinem Freund hat Krebs im Endstadium und ist jetzt zuhause… er quält sich nur, schläft nicht mehr richtig und will immer gedreht werden und ist immer unfreundlich… mein Freund tut mir so leid dass er das alles erleben muss da das ja alles auf die Psyche und auf den Körper geht…jedoch versuchen wir ihm Tipps zu geben und alles aber er nimmt sie nicht an… was wäre das beste für den krebskranken/ sterbenden????

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8 months ago

First of all, it is important which symptoms the patient has > pain, lack of breath, fears etc.

Has a palliative physician been added and a SPAV team? Unkindness, bad sleep, etc. may indicate fear of death. By means of the right medication you can treat it well.

If care is not secured at home, a hospice would be a good option. Unfortunately, hospices are rar. Your friend can put the father on the waiting lists.

The right drugs are important for a dying cancer patient so that the symptoms are eliminated/relieved. In order to accompany a dying person at home, care, sensitivity etc. of family members is required.

The family members must be properly informed, especially about the final phase, if the father does not get a hospice.

Here are some more information:


8 months ago
Reply to  Ineedtoknow423

What medicine does he get? Morphine and Tavor > Lorazepam?

8 months ago

Only if the attending doctor agrees!!

8 months ago

Right! Probably transdermal, in plaster form. There are other possibilities, e.g. a pain pump. This can easily be done at home.

The final phase is available as an ultima ratio, a deep, palliative sedation. The dying patient feels nothing and sleeps, without any symptom, into death. Of course, this is only an info, the decision is in the hands of the paĺliativmedicine.

All patients want to die at home, in the usual environment, in the circle of the family. If somehow possible, it would be nice to meet the Father this desire.

I wish you all a lot of strength and hope that the Father can die in peace and without symptoms!

8 months ago

Since the miraculous healing will be nothing:


8 months ago
Reply to  Ineedtoknow423

But much is possible with pain therapy.

And at some point it was a bit too much fentanyl…

8 months ago

What is the best for the patient, he decides himself.

8 months ago

Oncopsychological therapy

8 months ago

A hospice

8 months ago
Reply to  Ineedtoknow423

This would like almost all patients and it would be very nice to meet the father this desire.

8 months ago
Reply to  Ineedtoknow423

Then no one can help him

8 months ago

A hospice is a good option, but the places are rough.

A death at home has the advantage that patients can stay in their usual environment. That gives security. Why shouldn’t it be quiet and bright at home?

A palliative physician and a SPAV team who accompany the dying at home have a very high level of expertise.

However, family members must be properly informed about the death process. Otherwise, unnecessarily RTW/emergency physician will be informed, for example, in the case of the initiating racial aberration. Especially if a patient expresses the desire to die at home, you should fulfill this last wish if possible.

8 months ago

Nope. I want to die in hospice. It’s great. Quiet and bright, and there are people who know each other.