Kreativ Foto?
Ich muss heute noch ein Kreativ Foto machen und habe entweder keine Idee oder nicht die Ausrüstung damit es gut aussieht. Wir sollen das Foto mit den Handy schießen…. Hat jemand Tipps für mich oder gar ein Kreativ Foto schonmal gemacht was er zur Not schicken könnte auf Ehre. Es wird benotet und mir läuft die Zeit davon. Danke schonmal im voraus
You certainly have taken examples, and your teacher has certainly not just said “Make a creative photo”. And I’m sure you don’t know that since today.
Maybe just show some more own initiative next time and research on the internet right away instead of waiting for the last pusher. There are hundreds of videos on Youtube with tricks for creative photography, so you don’t need a professional camera.
10 PHOTOGRAPHY IDEAS AT HOME! *quarantine* (
Oh, I forgot about the holidays and had to send something now.
You can watch in the settings of your phone what you could change a bit on the camera to try something new.
Creative photos, nothing easier than that.
The Internet, a free source of inspiration is full of it,
what is there to study?
Creative photos
I did that 3 years ago 😁😂
Life rescue
You’re lucky!
The sky is free, put the moon in the lower left corner.
If your vegetables and fruit were at home, you could arrange this with a candle to a stylistic life.
Good luck!