Krätze geht nicht weg?

Hallo, ich habe jetzt seid ca 9monaten die Krätze. Ich habe alles ausprobiert. Als erstes Permenthrin… ich kann euch einfach sagen lasst es. Invermecin Tabletten (4x genommen) helfen nur kurz danach kommt es wieder. Dann noch ein anderer Wirkstoff (da ich die Creme nicht mehr habe weiß ich den namen nicht) und Antiscabiosum 25% emulsion. Ich benutze die emulsion jetzt auch schon länger da ich Hoffnung geschöpft habe da alles erst mal weg war. Ich benutze es jz seid ca 1 Monat und es ist schon meine 3 Packung aber trotzdem will es nicht weg gehen. Ich weiß nicht was ich tuen soll. Alle Textilien schon zum 2 mal mit 2 verschiedenen anti miblen Sprays eingesprüht und das ganze bla bla 60grad Wäsche, Kleidung wechseln Bettzeug waschen usw. schon viel zu oft gemacht und auch richtig beachtet. Falls jetzt jemand sagen will, dass ich es nicht richtig gemacht habe, kann ich versichern: DOCH habe ich. Sogar viel zu richtig! ich weiß nicht was ich tuen soll es ist einfach nurnoch anstehend und ekelhaft. Ich habe gelesen das man ins Krankenhaus dafür kann. Währe das eine Lösung? Und wenn nicht was soll ich tuen ich bin ratlos… Danke schonmal im Vorraus.

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2 years ago

I’m sorry you’ve been suffering for so long. Cracks is a skin disease caused by a certain parasite. The treatment of corrosives can be difficult and usually requires the use of medications specially developed for this purpose. The drugs you have tried so far do not seem to be effective against your cracks.

In such cases, I always recommend visiting a doctor to discuss the treatment. A doctor may recommend to you another medication that works better against your crabs. If you have crochets, it is important that you stay away from other people and wash your laundry and bedding regularly to prevent spread of the disease.

It is possible that a doctor will recommend you to go to the hospital to be treated there. This can be useful in particular if the disease is already advanced or if you have difficulty successfully treating it at home. A doctor can also explain to you what you need to do to get your cribs in the grip and prevent them from spreading further.

I hope that you will soon find the appropriate treatment and that your crest will soon disappear completely. Please talk to a doctor if you have further questions or concerns.

2 years ago

I’ve been treating my kittens in the hospital, changing clothes and bed linen daily, taking medication and I’m healthy

2 years ago

Is it really crawling? My mate was with two dermatologists until the third gave him quite something else: what antibacterial (chlorohexidingsbums), antifungal, cortisone and antibiotics. All good .

2 years ago
Reply to  zocker0796

@ zocker Do you think Clotrimazole?

2 years ago
Reply to  Bertha2701

chlorhexidine. Clotrimazole is against mushrooms

2 years ago

No. Was everything possible to help. For dogs there’s a shampoo that has a lot in it. Time something. I also tried 😂

2 years ago

Yes is against mushrooms, you thought that because of the clues to the “Schrotflinten method” was then a misunderstanding.

2 years ago

Did you just get in touch with people who have even untreated claws? Also time ne upholstery made cleaning? In most cases, the devil is actually in detail in such problems.

2 years ago
Reply to  No2091

Not only bed… also ch sofa, armchairs, chairs… from me also plush animals.Kissen… even carpet. If you have pets, they might also be infested.

As I said, sometimes the stupidest things come together. But if it really doesn’t get better at all, you should actually talk to the doctor about ne clinic or the like.