Krapfen / Berliner / Kreppel / Pfannkuchen?
Wie nennt man die Dinger bei euch ? Bei uns ins Vorarlberg-Österreich nennt man sie Krapfen. Lasset den Krieg beginnen
Wie nennt man die Dinger bei euch ? Bei uns ins Vorarlberg-Österreich nennt man sie Krapfen. Lasset den Krieg beginnen
Ich bin minderjährig und habe gelesen in Deutschland wird man wohl nicht so nach dem Alter gefragt ich weiß aber nicht wie ist es beim zurück reisen ist oder ob die da in England strenger sind
Meine Pfannkuchen sind immer roh am Rand, oder hat so dicke Streifen die roh bleiben. Ich hab schon alles probiert. Woran liegt es? Das Rezept: 200ml Milch 200ml Wasser 200g Mehl 1 El Öl 1 El Zucker 1 Brise Natron 1 Brise Salz
Möchte von Freiburg (DE) nach Colmar (Frankreich) mit der Bahn fahren. Kann man so ein Ticket online kaufen, oder wo gibts das? Danke 🙂
Früher in den 90ern hatte das Restaurant folgende Zeiten: Mittagessen = 12:00 bis 15:30 Abendessen = 19:00 bis 24:00 Und heute ist es so: Mittagessen = 10:00 bis 14:00 Abendessen = 17:00 bis 22:00 Früher hatte der Supermarkt in meiner Nähe auch erst um 7:45 Uhr offen, heute öffnet er bereits um 6:45 Uhr, es…
Berlin, if you mean the jam filled. (NRW)
Crabs are still acceptable, but unusual. 😬
In the word Kreppel/Krepli I think more about this: Image 😋
And whoever calls the pancakes is an uneducated taste suspect and never ate a pancake. Pancakes are completely different, they are only made of dough and flat. You can’t just call all pancakes 😡.
NRW. Why this question again. But you know the pancake is the right word because they were made in a pan. Medieval court, made for night guards then as a strengthening
The first time in Berlin I had also wondered what midnight pancakes are (Silvester) Thought the platte doughs. Then aaahhh:-) Only the Berliners know
Pancakes are that. Round and brown and with sugar around.
In Bavaria they call the cramps. 😉
LG Maike😊
With me all pancakes say
If you mean Marmelade inside. This is not different with us in Bavaria. Without jam, it could go towards the “Schmalznudel”…
I heard this as a little child, and I only bring this word into contact with this pastry. When a Berliner says “pancake”, I think of the pancakes that are eaten with applesa/cinnagar.
Only Berlin.
So and not different
The pancake is hot with us. When you say Berlin, most people also know what it means.
That’s it.
No Front but who calls that pancake?! Pancakes are the slabs of dough
I don’t come from any German-speaking country, but I call it “Berlin” so that everyone can understand it. :
(Northern Hesse)
That’s pancakes!
Exactly =)
No, they’re eggcakes.
In Bavaria it is called 🤜🤛
There are great differences between Berlin, Krapfen and pancakes!
Here in Mittelfranken we say crimp and usually fill them with Hiffenmark (Hagebuttenmarmelade).
With us, the crack is filled with prirsich jam =)
Yes, there are also differences. But the main thing is not a must.
uiuiuiu senf 😵jo all good as senf ^^
Regionally conditioned, here usual “Krapfen”.
Of course.
With me at home? Doughnut / Berliner.
Where I live now in Germany ( Rhineland-Palatinate) Berliner.
Berlin doesn’t care, main thing tasty
it tastes!
yes 🙌
berliner makes 0 senses… because there is berlin.
But we also know the term Berliners.
I didn’t even know the crepe existed until I gagled. but apparently there is that really 😳
These are regional terms, as well as rolls, flu, semmel, round piece, wake, also mean the same thing.
That’s what we say in England.
In my region you say Berlin
I’m in Switzerland.
With me in the area we say Berlin
so the stuffed or? Then I say pancakes, but I’m living in a region where you don’t say that.
Filled with jam or so and powdered sugar on top =)
In Hesse we call them Berlin.
The Crabs Crack
so is it
With us, they’re rabbles.
I use the term Berliner.
Berliners are in Germany. Pancakes are the pancakes with us.
Since I can think 👍🤗
In northern Germany, they are called Berlin