Krankgeschriebenund trotzdem ein Personalgespräch?
Hallo, ich hatte einen Unfall letztes Jahr mein fuss war komplett zertrümmert, es wurde im kh gepfuscht und habe extreme probleme zu laufen, ich hab es 2 monate versucht und musste es mehrfach abbrechen, ich bin jetzt seit 5 wochen krank und habe einen Termin Beil Spezialisten.
Ich hatte der Personal Abteilung mitgeteilt das ich bis zum 17.09 warten will bis ich bei dem Spezialisten ein Termin habe und er sich das angeschaut hat. Es wird aber trotzdem drauf bestanden. Bin am überlegen den Betriebsrat anzurufen.
Sehr Herr ,
vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung und die Informationen.
Losgelöst von Ihrem Arzttermin halten wir an dem Mitarbeitergespräch fest. Sollte Ihnen der Termin am Donnerstag nicht möglich sein, lassen Sie uns Alternativen wissen, an denen sie in dieser Woche verfügbar sind.
You always have the right that the Works Council has to discuss.
I personally would listen to what they have to say sons talking about you
You can’t force yourself in the infirmary.
I have already told you that I want to wait until I have the appointment with the doctor, but this is not discussed.
Is it in your breath that you can’t go anywhere?
I “will” will not be interested.
Then say “I’ll ask for an appointment as soon as I find myself outside my infirmary.”
Then he should ask if this is possible.
you can send everything by email or by phone
Maybe there’s important information.
Or he later reads from a job cut and starts looking for something new.
even if he goes where, he doesn’t have to go to an employee interview that is during his sick
Thank you
Involving the works council is never wrong!
Well, a month ago, you could still go on vacation, so you can also talk briefly.
Or are you tied to bed?
Are you working for my staff department? Do you know my illness / situation?
You described them. There’s no one going out with us if he doesn’t need the foot to work. And I’m sure you don’t need him for a conversation.
But yes, it’s your job. Don’t think you’re heatable.
You’ll find another one.
No reason to appear at work during sick leave.
It doesn’t mean you’re inconvenient. And who wants to find a reason.
You don’t need him for a conversation I meant.
I just want to tell you how the works council will help you if it’s not in your breath, you can’t go anywhere?
If you’re healthy, you’re on the table.
What’s with you is completely irrelevant here. And the relevance of the “just never believing, you can’t be implemented.” In Germany there are employee protection laws.
I need almost 2 hours to work, I’m 8 hours at the race with 20kg knistern, please don’t tell me if I need my feet for my work or not, then my fuss has been fucked what makes it impossible for me.
And that’s why I’m not going to talk until I’m healthy, otherwise I’m gone before